ID: | AIXM-505 |
target version: | AIXM 5.2 |
version: | 1.01 |
last updated: | 05 09 AUG 20212023 |
status: | PROPOSED |
The precisionApproachGuidance attribute of the RunwayDirection class is renamed approachGuidance and it gets a new list of values CodeRunwayApproachGuidanceType.
Rationale for change
In the current model, the RunwayDiretion has a precisionApproachGuidance attribute that indicates if the runway is supported by navaids and if these navaids are suitable for a certain level of precision approaches. The same list of values CodeApproachGuidanceType list of values is used in the FinalLeg. The Change Proposal AIXM-473 will remove that attribute and the list of values CodeApproachGuidanceType list of values will remain associated only with the RunwayDirection.precisionApproachGuidance. The following UML class diagram presents the result of this change:
The following issues have been identified:
- the model is not aligned with the ICAO Annex 14, which classifies the runways considering all visual and non-visual aids, not only the navaids. In addition, it is no longer appropriate to link a precision approach category to ILS or MLS, as precision approaches are now possible also using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS);
- the value ILS_IIID does not correspond to anything in the ICAO provisions or in the real world and should be removed;
- an explicit value for non-instrument runway is missing from the list.
In order to reflect the true nature of this runway classification, it is proposed that the word “precision” is taken out from the RunwayDirection attribute and that the list of values is aligned with the ICAO Annex 14 provisions.
Impact assessment
When providing AIXM 5.1(.1) data to AIXM 5.2 systems, the forward mapping rules described further in this document may be applied.
When receiving data from AIXM 5.2 implementations, the backward mapping rules described further in this document may be applied in order to recuperate the data. These conversion rules are based on the current AIXM 5.1(.1) workarounds.
Change Proposal details
In the UML model:
- Delete the following data types:
- CodeApproachGuidanceBaseType <<CodeList>>
- CodeApproachGuidanceType <<DataType>>
- Add a new data type <<CodeList>> CodeRunwayApproachGuidanceBaseType :
- definition = “A coded classification of runways based on the available visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations”
- The following values are added:
- NON_INSTRUMENT = “A runway intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures or an instrument approach procedure to a point beyond which the approach may continue in visual meteorological conditions.”
- NON_PRECISION = “Non-precision approach runway. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type A and a visibility not less than 1 000 m.”
- PRECISION_CAT_I = “Precision approach runway, category I. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B with a decision height (DH) not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and either a visibility not less than 800 m or a runway visual range not less than 550 m.”
- PRECISION_CAT_II = “Precision approach runway, category II. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B with a decision height (DH) lower than 60 m (200 ft) but not lower than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual range not less than 300 m.”
PRECISION_CAT_III = “Precision approach runway, category III. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B with a decision height (DH) lower than 30 m (100 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 300 m, or no runway visual range limitations.”
- PRECISION_CAT_IIIA = “Precision approach runway, category III-A. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B to and along the surface of the runway and intended for operations with a decision height (DH) lower than 30 m (100 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range not less than 175 m.”
- PRECISION_CAT_IIIB = “Precision approach runway, category III-B. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B to and along the surface of the runway and intended for operations with a decision height (DH) lower than 15 m (50 ft), or no decision height and a runway visual range less than 175 m but not less than 50 m.”
- PRECISION_CAT_IIIC = “Precision approach runway, category III-C. A runway served by visual aids and non-visual aid(s) intended for landing operations following an instrument approach operation type B to and along the surface of the runway and intended for operations with no decision height (DH) and no runway visual range limitations.”
- OTHER = “Other”
- Add a new data type CodeRunwayApproachGuidanceType (specialisation of CodeRunwayApproachGuidanceBaseType, stereotype <<datatype>>, definition: “ A complex data type that enables the provision of a NIL reason for any attribute using this type.”), attribute:
- nilReason (type: NilReasonEnumeration)
- In the RunwayDirection class:
- rename the precisionApproachGuidance attribute into approachGuidance attribute, defined as “Classification of the runway based on the availability of visual and non-visual aids intended for landing operations”, data type CodeRunwayApproachGuidanceType
The resulting model is presented in the following UML class diagram:
Mapping AIXM 5.1.1 to AIXM 5.2 (forward)
The following algorithm shall be applied:
- For each RunwayDirection that has a precisionApproachGuidance child element, rename it approachGuidance and change its value as indicate in the following table:
AIXM 5.1(.1)
AIXM 5.2
Mapping AIXM 5.2 to AIXM 5.1.1 (backward)
The following algorithm shall be applied:
- For each RunwayDirection that has a approachGuidance child element, rename it precisionApproachGuidance and change its value as indicate in the following table:
AIXM 5.2
RunwayDirection.approachGuidanceAIXM 5.1(.1) RunwayDirection.precisionApproachGuidance
Mapping example
(Note: for mapping test data see:
AIXM 5.2 | AIXM 5.1(.1) | ||||