Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Action titleAction descriptionStatusDateWho is working on it
FinishThis is was the last action.Open
Add release in JIRAAdd a new target release in JIRAOpen

Create AIXM 5.2 - AIXM 5.1.1 mapping scriptsUsing XSLT: group by mapping case, that could allow a kind of generic mapping. Could be reused for future versions also.Open


Generate test XML Schema for Lot 1-3Generate a working draft AIXM 5.2 XML Schema in order to test that everything was done correctlyOpen

Implement Lot 3 approved changes

Implement Lot 2 approved changes

Implement Lot 1 approved changes

Improve the layout of the UML class diagrams

Review all UML class diagrams:

  • use a larger font - Calibri 12 (make a test first)
  • make sure that on all diagrams the attributes are NOT in alphabetical order
  • add missing classes, where relevant

Generate text XML SchemaGenerate a test AIXM 5.1.1 XML Schema in order to test that everything was done correctly,. Compare with the AIXM 5.1.1 release xsd, there should be no differences.Open

Adapt the "ordering XSLT" for XSD element attributesEnsure that the attributes defining XML elements in the Features.xsd appear in the same order as in previous schemaOpen

Correct associations to objectsWhen the AIXM 5.1 file was originally imported from Rational Rose into Sparx, all associations to an <<object>> have got a 0...* multiplicity on the side of the parent class. This is incorrect, as each object instance is associated with exactly one parent, it cannot be shared with other parents. Thus, the 0...* multiplicity needs to be removed (the field needs to stay empty).Open

Test initial fileNeed to test the initial file if it produces exactly the same XSD as for AIXM 5.1.1.Done


Nick Tinsley (Cirium):

  • Initial XSD generation
  • XML Diff - discovered a non-blocking issue - the attributes that define the elements are in a different order
  • See attached: XSD for testing, XML Diff results for data types and features


  • test Donlon AIP DS sample - OK
StartUpload the initial Sparx EA file using the AIXM 5.1.1 eap corrected by Pulsar ConsultingDone