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XSD mapping pattern



As for <<codeList>>, the mapping of <<datatype>> used to type simple properties consists of two steps. 
The first step is the creation of the simpleType corresponding to the BaseType. 

Code Block
titleSimple type
<simpleType name="DateBaseType">
<restriction base="xsd:date">

The second step is the creation of the complexType which defines the attribute nilReason.

Code Block
titleComplex type
<complexType name="DateType">
<extension base="aixm:DateBaseType">
<attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonEnumeration "/>

<<datatype>> with Unit of Measurement

A Unit of measurement (UOM) exists for many data types that take numerical values. This has been modelled as a uom attribute in the <<datatype>> class. 
The XSD mapping of uom types follows the same rules as for any other <<codelist>>, except that no complex type is required with the nilReason. 
<simpleType name="UomDepthType">
<restriction base="xsd:string">
<enumeration value="MM">
<enumeration value="CM">
<enumeration value="IN">
<enumeration value="FT">
<restriction base="string">
<pattern value="OTHER:\w{2,58}"/>

In a second step, the class ValDepthBaseType is generated as a simple type, as described in ‎4.11.2. 
<simpleType name="ValDepthBaseType">
<restriction base="xsd:decimal"/>
Then, the uom attribute is added to the complexType ValDepthType, after the definition of nilReason attribute. 
<complexType name="ValDepthType">
<extension base="aixm:ValDepthBaseType">
<attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonEnumeration"/>
<attribute name="uom" type="aixm:UomDepthType" use="required"/>

Particular cases

<<datatype>> with no BaseType

Wiki Markup
The 5 data types listed in ‎ map directly to the built-in datatypes defined by the XML schema specification. The default datatypes are string, float, double, etc, which are considered simpleTypes.
The AlphaType acts as a convenient example.
<<span style="color: #000080"><strong>simpleType</strong></span> name="<span style="color: #000080"><strong>AlphaType</strong></span>">
 <restriction base="xsd:<span style="color: #000080"><strong>string</strong></span>">
  <pattern value="\[A-Z\]*"/>

<<datatype>> XHTMLBaseType

<<datatype>> XHTMLBaseType represents a structured XHTML document compliant with It should be mapped as follows in XML: 
<complexType name="XHTMLBaseType">
<any namespace="" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="skip"/>