The following four types of mark-up are used on some pages in order to draw the attention of the reader on some particular aspects:
This mark-up is s used to create awareness for a matter of specific importance. A Note may be editorial or content related.
Good to know
This mark-up is used, for example, when providing coding examples or information about other resources that might complement the information provided on the page.
Open Question
This mark-up is used to mark open questions which the author of the content is not able to resolve using the input available. It is possible that some open questions remain on the site for a long time. For example, open questions concerning elements that might be candidates for inclusion in the AIP data set might remain for a long time in this status. They might be resolved when sufficient experience is accumulated and a solution emerges.
SBVR format style for AIXM model elements
On some pages (such as the pages where the AIXM model elements are explained) an SBVR-style formatting is used as defined in the document AIXM 5.1 - Business Rules - Using SBVR and Schematron (see
The main formats used are:
- SBVR NounConcept
Represented by AIXM UML Classes and Properties, meaning that AIXM Class Name, Role Name or Attribute Name may appear as NounConcept.
Style: Bold, underlined and UpperCamelCase or lowerCamelCase (depending on how the noun concept appears in the UML model). If several nouns are concatenated, then they should be separated by a dot (“.”) symbol.
- SBVR Verb-concept
Represented by Name of an AIXM UML association.
Style: italic
- SBVR 'Name'
Represents UML Instances, Slots, Enumeration literals, and their assigned Properties and CodeList values
Style: surrounded by ‘simple quotes’
- SBVR keyword
are used to construct statements – the words that can be combined with other designations to form statements and definitions, see sections on Logical Operations, Quantification, Modality and Additional SBVR keywords, all these being part of the keyword concept
Style: Usual text format
Contributors (i.e. named users) when providing content can format text according the SBVR style. Therefor dedicated text formatting styles have been created which can be selected in the edit mode from the tool bar.
SBVR NounConcept : CTRL+SHIFT+1
SBVR Verb-concept : CTRL+SHIFT+2
SBVR keyword : CTRL+SHIFT+4
3-letter abbreviations for AIXM classes
The names of the AIXM UML classes appear frequently on this site. In some places, for example when used in the composition of rule identifiers or on Digital NOTAM "decoding' diagrams, a long class name can be problematic because it generates a very long text string. Therefore, a 3-letter abbreviation is associated with each AIXM class name, as detailed in the following table, and used when the editorial constraints require a short name equivalent for an AIXM class.
Class | 3-letter abbreviation |
AerialRefuelling | ARF |
AerialRefuellingAnchor | ARA |
AerialRefuellingPoint | ARP |
AerialRefuellingTrack | ART |
AeronauticalGroundLight | AGL |
AircraftCharacteristic | ACH |
AircraftGroundService | ACG |
AircraftStand | AST |
AircraftStandContamination | ASC |
AirportClearanceService | ACS |
AirportGroundService | AGS |
AirportHeliport | AHP |
AirportHeliportAvailability | AHY |
AirportHeliportCollocation | AHC |
AirportHeliportContamination | AHN |
AirportHeliportProtectionArea | APA |
AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation | AHR |
AirportHeliportUsage | AHU |
AirportHotSpot | AHT |
AirportProtectionAreaMarking | APM |
AirportSuppliesService | ASV |
Airspace | ASE |
AirspaceActivation | AAC |
AirspaceBorderCrossing | ABC |
AirspaceGeometryComponent | AGC |
AirspaceLayer | ALR |
AirspaceLayerClass | ALC |
AirspaceVolume | AVL |
AirspaceVolumeDependency | AVD |
AirTrafficControlService | ATC |
AirTrafficManagementService | ATM |
AltimeterSource | ALT |
AltimeterSourceStatus | ASS |
AltitudeAdjustment | AAD |
AngleIndication | AIN |
AngleUse | AUS |
ApproachAltitudeTable | AAT |
ApproachCondition | ACN |
ApproachDistanceTable | ADT |
ApproachLeg | ALG |
ApproachLightingSystem | APL |
ApproachTimingTable | ATT |
Apron | APN |
ApronAreaAvailability | AAA |
ApronAreaUsage | AAU |
ApronContamination | ACT |
ApronElement | AEL |
ApronLightSystem | ALS |
ApronMarking | AMK |
ArrestingGear | AGR |
ArrestingGearExtent | AGE |
ArrivalFeederLeg | AFL |
ArrivalLeg | ARL |
AuthorityForAerialRefuelling | AAR |
AuthorityForAirspace | AFA |
AuthorityForNavaidEquipment | AFN |
AuthorityForSpecialNavigationStation | ASN |
AuthorityForSpecialNavigationSystem | ASM |
Azimuth | AZM |
CallsignDetail | CDL |
ChangeOverPoint | COP |
CheckpointINS | CNS |
CheckpointVOR | CVO |
CircleSector | CIS |
CirclingArea | CIA |
CirclingRestriction | CIR |
City | CTY |
ConditionCombination | CCN |
ContactInformation | CIN |
Curve | CUR |
DeicingArea | DAA |
DeicingAreaMarking | DAM |
DepartureArrivalCondition | DAC |
DepartureLeg | DLG |
DesignatedPoint | DPN |
DirectFlight | DFT |
DirectFlightClass | DFC |
DirectFlightSegment | DFS |
DirectionFinder | DFN |
DistanceIndication | DIN |
ElevatedCurve | ELC |
ElevatedPoint | ELP |
ElevatedSurface | ELS |
Elevation | ELV |
EnRouteSegmentPoint | ERS |
EquipmentChoice | ECH |
EquipmentUnavailableAdjustment | EUA |
EquipmentUnavailableAdjustmentColumn | EUC |
FASDataBlock | FDB |
FinalLeg | FLG |
FinalProfile | FPR |
FireFightingService | FFS |
FlightCharacteristic | FCH |
FlightConditionCircumstance | FCC |
FlightConditionCombination | FCM |
FlightConditionElement | FCE |
FlightConditionElementChoice | FEC |
FlightRestriction | FRS |
FlightRestrictionLevel | FRL |
FlightRestrictionRoute | FRR |
FlightRoutingElement | FRE |
FlightRoutingElementChoice | FRC |
FloatingDockSite | FGD |
Fuel | FUL |
GeoBorder | GBR |
Glidepath | GPT |
GroundLightingAvailability | GLA |
GroundLightSystem | GLS |
GroundTrafficControlService | GTC |
GuidanceLine | GLN |
GuidanceLineLightSystem | GLL |
GuidanceLineMarking | GLM |
GuidanceService | GSV |
HoldingAssessment | HAS |
HoldingPattern | HPT |
HoldingPatternDistance | HPD |
HoldingPatternDuration | HPN |
HoldingPatternLength | HPL |
HoldingUse | HUS |
InformationService | ISV |
InitialLeg | ILG |
InstrumentApproachProcedure | IAP |
IntermediateLeg | INL |
LandingTakeoffAreaCollection | LTA |
LightActivation | LAC |
LightElement | LEL |
LightElementStatus | LES |
LinguisticNote | LNT |
Localizer | LLZ |
ManoeuvringAreaAvailability | MAA |
ManoeuvringAreaUsage | MAU |
MarkerBeacon | MBC |
Marking | MKG |
MarkingBuoy | MKB |
MarkingElement | MKE |
MarkingExtent | MKX |
Meteorology | MET |
Minima | MIN |
MissedApproachGroup | MAP |
MissedApproachLeg | MAL |
Navaid | NAV |
NavaidComponent | NCM |
NavaidEquipment | NEQ |
NavaidEquipmentDistance | NED |
NavaidEquipmentMonitoring | NEM |
NavaidOperationalStatus | NOS |
NavigationArea | NAA |
NavigationAreaRestriction | NAN |
NavigationAreaSector | NAR |
NavigationSystemCheckpoint | NSC |
Nitrogen | NTG |
NonMovementArea | NMA |
Note | NTE |
ObstacleArea | OAR |
ObstacleAreaOrigin | OAO |
ObstacleAssessmentArea | OSS |
ObstaclePlacement | OPL |
Obstruction | OBN |
Oil | OIL |
OnlineContact | OCN |
OrganisationAuthority | ORG |
OrganisationAuthorityAssociation | OAS |
Oxygen | OXG |
PassengerLoadingBridge | PLB |
PassengerService | PSV |
PilotControlledLighting | PCG |
Point | PNT |
PointReference | PRF |
PostalAddress | PAD |
PrecisionApproachRadar | PAR |
PrimarySurveillanceRadar | PSR |
Procedure | PRC |
ProcedureAvailability | PAV |
ProcedureDME | PDM |
ProcedureTransition | PTR |
ProcedureTransitionLeg | PTL |
PropertiesWithSchedule | PWS |
RadarComponent | RCM |
RadarEquipment | REQ |
RadarSystem | RST |
RadioCommunicationChannel | RCC |
RadioCommunicationOperationalStatus | RCO |
RadioFrequencyArea | RFA |
Reflector | RFL |
Ridge | RDG |
Road | ROA |
Route | RTE |
RouteAvailability | RAV |
RouteDME | RDM |
RoutePortion | RPN |
RouteSegment | RSG |
RulesProcedures | RUP |
Runway | RWY |
RunwayBlastPad | RBP |
RunwayCentrelinePoint | RCP |
RunwayContamination | RCT |
RunwayDeclaredDistance | RDD |
RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue | RDV |
RunwayDirection | RDN |
RunwayDirectionLightSystem | RLS |
RunwayElement | REL |
RunwayMarking | RMG |
RunwayProtectArea | RPA |
RunwayProtectAreaLightSystem | RPL |
RunwaySectionContamination | RSC |
RunwayVisualRange | RVR |
SafeAltitudeArea | SAA |
SafeAltitudeAreaSector | SAS |
SeaplaneLandingArea | SLA |
SeaplaneRampSite | SPR |
SearchRescueService | SRE |
SecondarySurveillanceRadar | SSV |
SectorDesign | SDN |
SegmentLeg | SLG |
SegmentPoint | SPT |
Service | SER |
ServiceOperationalStatus | SOS |
SignificantPoint | SPN |
SignificantPointInAirspace | SPA |
SpecialDate | SPD |
SpecialNavigationStation | SNS |
SpecialNavigationStationStatus | SNT |
SpecialNavigationSystem | SNY |
StandardInstrumentArrival | SIA |
StandardInstrumentDeparture | SID |
StandardLevel | SLL |
StandardLevelColumn | SLC |
StandardLevelSector | SLS |
StandardLevelTable | SLB |
StandMarking | SMK |
Surface | SFC |
SurfaceCharacteristics | SCS |
SurfaceContamination | SCN |
SurfaceContaminationLayer | SCL |
SurveillanceGroundStation | SGS |
SurveillanceRadar | SRD |
SurveyControlPoint | SCP |
TaxiHoldingPosition | THP |
TaxiHoldingPositionLightSystem | THL |
TaxiHoldingPositionMarking | THM |
Taxiway | TWY |
TaxiwayContamination | TWC |
TaxiwayElement | TWE |
TaxiwayLightSystem | TWL |
TaxiwayMarking | TWM |
TelephoneContact | TCT |
TerminalArrivalArea | TAA |
TerminalArrivalAreaSector | TAS |
TerminalSegmentPoint | TSP |
Timesheet | TSH |
TouchDownLiftOff | TLA |
TouchDownLiftOffContamination | TLC |
TouchDownLiftOffLightSystem | TLS |
TouchDownLiftOffMarking | TLM |
TouchDownLiftOffSafeArea | TSA |
TrafficSeparationService | TSS |
Unit | UNI |
UnitAvailability | UAB |
UnitDependency | UDP |
UnplannedHolding | UHG |
UsageCondition | UCN |
VerticalStructure | VST |
VerticalStructureLightingStatus | VSL |
VerticalStructurePart | VSP |
VerticalStructurePartGeometry | VSG |
VisualGlideSlopeIndicator | VGI |
WorkArea | WAR |
WorkareaActivity | WAA |
List of classes and abbreviations expected in AIXM 5.2 (under development) | |
Class | 3-letter abbreviation |
SatelliteSystem | SSM |
SatelliteService | SSE |
GBASService | GSS |