This appendix provides the Digital NOTAM format for the abbreviations and acronyms included in ICAO Doc 8400 Abbreviations and codes, categorized in accordance with the following defined rules:
- Abbreviations that shall be spelled out and written in sentence case.
- Abbreviations and acronym that shall be kept and spelled in upper case.
- Abbreviations and acronyms that shall be kept and spelled in lower case.
- Acronyms that shall be spelled out and with the first letter of all words in upper case (except for words that correspond to an acronym or abbreviation for which another rule allows to be kept and spelled in upper case, such as RWY, THR etc.).
- Acronyms that shall be spelled out and then in lower case (except for the words that correspond to an acronym or abbreviation for which another rule allows to be kept and in upper case, such as RWY, THR, etc.).
- Symbols for units of measurement
It is recognized that not all of the listed abbreviations and acronyms will be used in Digital NOTAM, e.g. "wilco", However, the spelling rules for lower and upper case for all Doc 8400 entries are provided for completeness sake, with the exception of some meteorological terms such as cloud types and certain meteorological service message terms.
Abbreviation/acronym | Digital NOTAM format | Meaning | Rule |
A/A | a/a | air-to-air | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
A/G | a/g | air-to-ground | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ACCID | aircraft accident | notification of an aircraft accident | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ACFT | acft | aircraft | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ACK | ack | acknowledge | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ALTN | altn | alternate (aerodrome), alternating (light colour) | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
APCH | apch | approach | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
APRX | aprx | approximate or approximately | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ARR | arr | arrive or arrival | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ASAP | asap | as soon as possible | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ASPH | asph | asphalt | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ATTN | attn | attention | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
AUTH | auth | authorized, authorization | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
AUTO | auto | automatic | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
AVGAS | avgas | aviation gasoline | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
AZM | azm | azimuth | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
BCN | bcn | beacon (aeronautical ground light) | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
BDRY | bdry | boundary | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
CHEM | chem | chemical | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
COND | cond | condition | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
CONT | cont | continue(s) , continued | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
COOR | coor | coordinate, coordination | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
COORD | coord | coordinates | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
DCKG | dckg | docking | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
DEST | dest | destination | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
DIST | dist | distance | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ELEV | elev | elevation | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
EQPT | eqpt | equipment | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
EXTD | extd | extend or extending | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FAC | fac | facilities | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FAX | fax | facsimile transmission | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FCST | fcst | forecast | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FM | fm | from | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FREQ | freq | frequency | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
FRNG | frng | firing | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
G/A | g/a | ground-to-air | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
G/A/G | g/a/g | ground-to-air and air-to-ground | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
HEL | hel | helicopter | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
HGT | hgt | height or height above | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
IDENT | ident | identification | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
INCORP | incorp | incorporated | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
INFO | info | information | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
INOP | inop | inoperative | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
INSTR | instr | instrument | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
INTL | intl | international | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
LAT | lat | latitude | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
LDG | ldg | landing | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
LONG | long | longitude | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MAINT | maint | maintenance | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MAX | max | maximum | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MNM | mnm | minimum | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MOV | mov | move , moving, movement | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MPS | mps | metres per second | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
MSG | msg | message | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NAV | nav | navigation | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NAVAID | navaid | navigation aid | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NONSTD | nonstd | non-standard | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NOSIG | nosig | no significant change | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NR | nr | number | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
NTL | ntl | national | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
O/R | o/r | on request | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
OBS | obs | observe, observed, observation | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
OBST | obst | obstacle | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
OPS | ops | operations | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PAX | pax | passenger(s) | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PERM | perm | permanent | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PROB | prob | probability | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PROC | proc | procedure | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PROP | prop | propeller | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
PWR | pwr | power | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
REF | ref | reference to, refer to | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
REG | reg | registration | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
REP | rep | report, reporting, reporting point | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
REQ | req | request, requested | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
RMK | rmk | remark | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
RTE | rte | route | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
SIG | sig | significant | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
STN | stn | station | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
STS | sts | status | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
SUBJ | subj | subject to | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TEL | tel | telephone | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TEMPO | tempo | temporary, temporarily | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TFC | tfc | traffic | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TGL | tgl | touch-and-go landing | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TKOF | tkof | take-off | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TLOF | tlof | touchdown and lift-off area | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
TURB | turb | turbulence | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
UFN | ufn | until further notice | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
VOL | vol | volume (followed by I, II...) | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
VRB | vrb | variable | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WDI | wdi | wind direction indicator | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WEF | wef | with efffect from | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WIE | wie | with immediate effect | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WILCO | wilco | will comply | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WIP | wip | work in progress | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WRNG | wrng | warning | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
WWW | www | worldwide web | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
YR | yr | your | 1st Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, but spelled in lower case |
ABN | ABN | Aerodrome Beacon | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ACARS | ACARS | Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ACAS | ACAS | Airborne collision avoidance system | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ACC | ACC | Area Control Center | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ACL | ACL | Altimeter check location | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ACN | ACN | Aircraft classification number | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AD | AD | Aerodrome | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ADF | ADF | Automatic Direction-Finding Equipment | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ADIZ | ADIZ | Air Defence Identification Code | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ADS-B | ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ADS-C | ADS-C | Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ADSU | ADSU | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AFIL | AFIL | Flight Plan Filed in the Air | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AFIS | AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AFTN | AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AGA | AGA | Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AGL | AGL | Above Ground Level | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AIC | AIC | Aeronautical Information Circular | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AIP | AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AIRAC | AIRAC | Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AIRMET | AIRMET | Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AIS | AIS | Aeronautical Information Services | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ALERFA | ALERFA | Alert Phase | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ALT | ALT | Altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AMDT | AMDT | Amendment (AIP Amendment) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AMSL | AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ANC | ANC | Aeronautical Chart - 1:500.000 (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ANCS | ANCS | Aeronautical Navigation Chart - Small Scale (followed by name/title and scale) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AO | AO | Aircraft operator | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AOC | AOC | Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APAPI | APAPI | (to be pronounced "AY-PAPI")Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APDC | APDC | Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APP | APP | Approach Control Office OR Approach Control OR Approach Control Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APR | APR | April | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APU | APU | Auxiliary power unit | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
APV | APV | Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ARO | ARO | Air traffic services reporting office | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ARP | ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ASDA | ASDA | Accelerate-Stop Distance Available | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ASHTAM | ASHTAM | ASHTAM | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATA | ATA | Actual Time of Arrival | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATC | ATC | Air Traffic Control (in general) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATD | ATD | Actual Time of Departure | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATFM | ATFM | Air Traffic Flow Management | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATIS | ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATM | ATM | Air Traffic Management | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATN | ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATS | ATS | Air Traffic Services | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AT-VASIS | AT-VASIS | AT Visual Approach Slope Indicator System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ATZ | ATZ | Aerodrome Traffic Zone | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AUG | AUG | August | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AWOS | AWOS | Automated Weather Observation System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
AWY | AWY | Airway | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
BARO-VNAV | BARO-VNAV | Barometric vertical navigation | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
BRG | BRG | Bearing | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
C | C | Centre (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel RWY) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
C | C | Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CAA | CAA | Civil Aviation Authority or Civil Aviation Administration | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CAT | CAT | Category | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CAVOK | CAVOK | Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CDR | CDR | Conditional route | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CH | CH | Channel | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CIDIN | CIDIN | Common ICAO Data Interchange Network | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CNS | CNS | Communications, Navigation and Surveillance | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
COM | COM | Communications | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CPDLC | CPDLC | Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CS | CS | Call sign | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CTA | CTA | Control Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CTR | CTR | Control Zone | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
CWY | CWY | Clearway | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
D.... | D.... | Danger area (followed by Identification) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DA | DA | Decision Altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
D-ATIS | D-ATIS | Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DCT | DCT | Direct | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DEC | DEC | December | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DEG | DEG | Degrees | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DEP | DEP | Departure (message type designator) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DETRESFA | DETRESFA | Distress Phase | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DF | DF | Direction Finding | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DH | DH | Decision Height | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DLA | DLA | Delay (message type designator) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DME | DME | Distance Measuring Equipment | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
D-VOLMET | D-VOLMET | Data Link VOLMET | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
DVOR | DVOR | Doppler VOR | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
E | E | Eastern Longitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
EGNOS | EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
EHF | EHF | Extremely High Frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ELBA | ELBA | Emergency Location Beacon - Aircraft | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ELT | ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
EMERG | EMERG | Emergency | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ENR | ENR | En route | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ENRC | ENRC | Enroute chart (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
EOBT | EOBT | Estimated Off-Block Time | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
EST | EST | Estimate OR Estimated OR Estimation (message type designator) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ETA | ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival OR Estimating Arrival | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ETD | ETD | Estimated Time of Departure OR Estimating Departure | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ETO | ETO | Estimated Time Over Significant Point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FA | FA | Course from a fix to an altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FAF | FAF | Final Approach Fix | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FAL | FAL | Facilitation of International Air Transport | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FAP | FAP | Final Approach Point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FAS | FAS | Final Approach Segment | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FATO | FATO | Final Approach and Take-off Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FEB | FEB | February | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FIC | FIC | Flight Information Centre | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FIR | FIR | Flight Information Region | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FIS | FIS | Flight Information Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FL | FL | Flight Level | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FLG | FLG | Flashing | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FPL | FPL | Flight Plan | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
FRI | FRI | Friday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GA | GA | General Aviation | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GAGAN | GAGAN | GPS & Geostationary Earth Orbit Augmented Navigation | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GBAS | GBAS | Ground Based Augmentation System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GEN | GEN | General | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GEO | GEO | Geographic OR True | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GLONAS | GLONAS | Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (to be pronounced "GLO-NAS") | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GND | GND | Ground | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GNSS | GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GOV | GOV | Government | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GP | GP | Glide Path | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GPS | GPS | Global Positioning System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
GS | GS | Ground Speed | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
H24 | H24 | Continuous Day and Night Service | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HAPI | HAPI | Helicopter Approach Path Indicator | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HDF | HDF | High Frequency Direction-Finding Station | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HDG | HDG | Heading | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HF | HF | High Frequency [3000 to 30000 kHz] | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HJ | HJ | Sunrise to sunset | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HN | HN | Sunset to Sunrise | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HO | HO | Service available to meet operational requirements | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HOL | HOL | Holiday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HOSP | HOSP | Hospital Aircraft | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HS | HS | Service Available During Hours of Scheduled Operations | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HUM | HUM | Humanitarian | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HVDF | HVDF | High and Very High Frequency Direction Finding Stations (At the Same Location) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
HX | HX | No Specific Working Hours | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IAC | IAC | Instrument Approach Chart (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IAF | IAF | Initial Approach Fix | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IAP | IAP | Instrument Approach Procedure | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IAS | IAS | Indicated Air Speed | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ICAO | ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ID | ID | Identifier OR Identify | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IF | IF | Intermediate Approach Fix | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IFR | IFR | Instrument Flight Rules | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ILS | ILS | Instrument Landing System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IM | IM | Inner marker | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IMC | IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
INCERFA | INCERFA | Uncertainty Phase | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
INS | INS | Inertial Navigation System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
IRS | IRS | Inertial reference system | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
ISA | ISA | International Standard Atmosphere | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
JAN | JAN | January | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
JUL | JUL | July | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
JUN | JUN | June | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
KIAS | KIAS | Knots indicated airspeed | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
L | L | Left (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
L | L | Locator (See LM, LO) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LDA | LDA | Landing Distance Available | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LDAH | LDAH | Landing Distance Available, Helicopter | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LDI | LDI | Landing Direction Indicator | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LF | LF | Low Frequency (30 to 300 kHz) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LIH | LIH | Light Intensity High | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LIL | LIL | Light Intensity Low | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LIM | LIM | Light Intensity Medium | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LM | LM | Locator, Middle | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LNAV | LNAV | Lateral Navigation (to be pronounced "EL-NAV") | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LO | LO | Locator, Outer | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LOC | LOC | Localizer | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LORAN | LORAN | LORAN (Long Range Air Navigation System) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LPV | LPV | Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
LVP | LVP | Low Visibility Procedures | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
M | M | Mach Number (Followed by figures) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MAG | MAG | Magnetic | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MAP | MAP | Aeronautical maps and charts | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MAPT | MAPT | Missed Approach Point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MAR | MAR | March | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MATZ | MATZ | Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MAY | MAY | May | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MCTR | MCTR | Military Control Zone | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MDA | MDA | Minimum Descent Altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MDH | MDH | Minimum Descent Height | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MEDEVAC | MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation Flight | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MEHT | MEHT | Minimum Eye Height over Threshold (For VASIS and PAPI) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MET | MET | Meteorological OR Meteorology | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
METAR | METAR | Aerodrome routine meteorological report | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MF | MF | Medium Frequency (300 to 3000 kHz) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MIL | MIL | Military | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MKR | MKR | Marker radio beacon | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MLS | MLS | Microwave Landing System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MM | MM | Middle Marker | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MOA | MOA | Military Operating Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MOC | MOC | Minimum Obstacle Clearance (required) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MON | MON | Monday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MSL | MSL | Mean Sea Level | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MSSR | MSSR | Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
MWO | MWO | Meteorological Watch Office | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NAT | NAT | North Atlantic | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NDB | NDB | Non-Directional Radio Beacon | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NIL | NIL | None OR I Have nothing to send to you | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NOF | NOF | International NOTAM Office | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NOTAMC | NOTAMC | Cancelling NOTAM | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NOTAMN | NOTAMN | New NOTAM | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NOTAMR | NOTAMR | Replacing NOTAM | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NOV | NOV | November | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
NPA | NPA | Non-precision approach | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OAC | OAC | Oceanic Area Control Centre | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OCA | OCA | Obstacle Clearance Altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OCH | OCH | Obstacle Clearance Height | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OCT | OCT | October | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OLDI | OLDI | On-Line Data Interchange | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OM | OM | Outer Marker | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
OPMET | OPMET | Operational Meteorological (information) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
P... | P... | Prohibited area (followed by identification) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PANS | PANS | Procedures for Air Navigation Services | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PAPI | PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PAR | PAR | Precision Approach Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PATC | PATC | Precision Approach Terrain Chart (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PBN | PBN | Performance-based navigation | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PCN | PCN | Pavement Classification Number | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PIB | PIB | Pre-flight Information Bulletin | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PPR | PPR | Prior Permission Required | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
PSR | PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
QDM | QDM | Magnetic Heading (zero wind) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
QDR | QDR | Magnetic Bearing | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
QFE | QFE | Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (OR at runway threshold) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
QNH | QNH | Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
QTE | QTE | True bearing | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
R... | R... | Restricted area (followed by identification) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
R | R | Right (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
R-NNN | R-nnn | Radial from VOR (followed by three figures) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RAC | RAC | Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RAIM | RAIM | Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RCC | RCC | Rescue Co-ordination Centre | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RDH | RDH | Reference Datum Height | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RESA | RESA | Runway End Safety Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RNAV | RNAV | Area Navigation (to be pronounced "AR-NAV") | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RNP | RNP | Required Navigation Performance | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RPL | RPL | Repetitive flight plan | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RQP | RQP | Request flight plan (message type designator) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RQS | RQS | Request supplementary flight plan (message type designator) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RSR | RSR | En-Route Surveillance Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RVR | RVR | Runway Visual Range | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RVSM | RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
RWY | RWY | Runway | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SAR | SAR | Search and Rescue | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SARPS | SARPS | Standards and Recommended Practices ICAO | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SAT | SAT | Saturday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SATCOM | SATCOM | Satellite Communication | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SBAS | SBAS | Satellite Based Augmentation System (to be pronounced "ESS-BAS") | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SELCAL | SELCAL | Selective calling system | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SEP | SEP | September | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SFC | SFC | Surface | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SHF | SHF | Super High Frequency (3000 to 30000 MHz) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SI | SI | International system of units | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SID | SID | Standard Instrument Departure | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SIGMET | SIGMET | Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SNOWTAM | SNOWTAM | SNOWTAM | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SR | SR | Sunrise | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SRA | SRA | Surveillance Radar Approach | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SRE | SRE | Surveillance Radar Element of precision approach radar system | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SS | SS | Sunset | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SSR | SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
STAR | STAR | Standard instrument arrival | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
STD | STD | Standard | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SUN | SUN | Sunday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SUP | SUP | Supplement (AIP Supplement) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SUPPS | SUPPS | Regional supplementary procedures | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
SWY | SWY | Stop way | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TA | TA | Transition Altitude | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TA/H | TA/H | Turn at an altitude/height | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TACAN | TACAN | UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TAF | TAF | Aerodrome forecast | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TAR | TAR | Terminal Area Surveillance Radar | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TAS | TAS | True Airspeed | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TCASRA | TCASRA | Traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TDZ | TDZ | Touchdown Zone | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TF | TF | Track to fix | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
THR | THR | Threshold | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
THU | THU | Thursday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TMA | TMA | Terminal Control Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TODA | TODA | Take-off Distance Available | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TODAH | TODAH | Take-off Distance Available, Helicopter | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TORA | TORA | Take-off Run Available | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TP | TP | Turning Point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TRL | TRL | Transition Level | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TUE | TUE | Tuesday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
T-VASIS | T-VASIS | T Visual Approach Slope Indicator System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TVOR | TVOR | Terminal VOR | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TWR | TWR | Aerodrome control tower OR aerodrome control | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
TWY | TWY | Taxiway | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UAC | UAC | Upper Area Control Centre | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UDF | UDF | Ultra High Frequency Direction Finding Station | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UHF | UHF | Ultra High Frequency 300 to 3000 MHz | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UIR | UIR | Upper Flight Information Region | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UTA | UTA | Upper Control Area | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
UTC | UTC | Coordinated Universal Time | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VA | VA | Volcanic Ash | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VAAC | VAAC | Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VAC | VAC | Visual Approach Chart | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VAR | VAR | Magnetic Variation | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VASIS | VASIS | Visual Approach Slope Indicator System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VDF | VDF | Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VFR | VFR | Visual Flight Rules | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VHF | VHF | Very High Frequency [30 to 300 MHz] | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VIP | VIP | Very Important Person | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VLF | VLF | Very Low Frequency [3 to 30 KHz] | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VMC | VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VNAV | VNAV | Vertical Navigation (to be pronounced "VEE-NAV") | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VOLMET | VOLMET | Meteorological information for aircraft in flight | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VOR | VOR | Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VORTAC | VORTAC | VOR and TACAN combination | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
VTOL | VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
WAAS | WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
WAC | WAC | World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO 1:1 000 000 (followed by name/title) | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
WED | WED | Wednesday | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
WGS-84 | WGS-84 | World Geodetic System - 1984 | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
WPT | WPT | Way-point | 2nd Case - abbreviations and acronyms kept, spelled in upper case |
A | amber | amber | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ABM | abeam | abeam | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ABT | about | about | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ABV | …or above | …or above | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ACP | acceptance | acceptance | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ACPT | accept | accept | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ACT | active, activated, activity | active, activated, activity | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ADDN | additional, addition | additional, addition | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ADJ | adjacent | adjacent | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ADR | advisory route | advisory route | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ADS | the address | the address | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ADZ | advise | advise | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AFM | affirm, affirmative | affirm, affirmative | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AFT | after | after | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AGN | again | again | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ALR | alerting | alerting | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AMD | amend, amended | amend, amended | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ANS | answer | answer | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AP | airport | airport | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
APN | apron | apron | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
APV | approve, approved, approval | approve, approved, approval | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ARNG | arrange | arrange | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ARST | arresting | arresting | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ASC | ascend to, ascending to | ascend to, ascending to | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AUX | auxiliary | auxiliary | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AVBL | available | available | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AVG | average | average | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
B | blue | blue | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BCST | broadcast | broadcast | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BECMG | becoming | becoming | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BFR | before | before | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BKN | broken | broken | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BLDG | building | building | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BLW | below | below | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BOMB | bombing | bombing | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BRF | short | short | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BRKG | breaking | breaking | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
BTN | between | between | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CD | candela | candela | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CIV | civil | civil | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CFM | confirm | confirm | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CH# | channel | channel | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CK | check | check | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CL | centre line | centre line | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CLBR | calibration | calibration | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CLD | cloud | cloud | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CLG | calling | calling | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CLR | cleared, clear, clearance | cleared, clear, clearance | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CLSD | close, closed, closing | close, closed, closing | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CMB | climb, climbing to | climb, climbing to | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CMPL | completion, complete,completed | completion, complete,completed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CNL | cancel, cancelled | cancel, cancelled | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CONC | concrete | concrete | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CONS | continuous | continuous | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CONST | construction, constructed | construction, constructed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
COV | cover | cover | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CRZ | cruise | cruise | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CTC | contact | contact | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CTL | control | control | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CTN | caution | caution | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
CUST | customs | customs | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
D | downward | downward | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DEP | departure, depart | departure, depart | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DEPO | deposition | deposition | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DES | descend, descending | descend, descending | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DEV | deviation, deviating | deviation, deviating | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DIF | diffuse | diffuse | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DIV | divert, diverting | divert, diverting | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DLA | delay, delayed | delay, delayed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DLY | daily | daily | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DNG | danger, dangerous | danger, dangerous | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DOM | domestic | domestic | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DPT | depth | depth | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DRG | during | during | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
DUR | duration | duration | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
E | east | east | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EB | eastbound | eastbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EM | emission | emission | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EMBD | embedded | embedded | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ENG | engine | engine | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EV | every | every | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EXC | except | except | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EXER | exercises, exercising, exercise | exercises, exercising, exercise | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
EXP | expect | expect | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
F | fixed | fixed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
FLT | flight, flights | flight, flights | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
FLUC | fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuated | fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuated | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
FLW | follows, following | follows, following | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
FRQ | frequent | frequent | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
FST | first | first | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
G | green | green | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
GLD | glider | glider | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
GRVL | gravel | gravel | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
HLDG | holding | holding | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
HLP | heliport | heliport | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
HVY | heavy | heavy | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
HYR | higher | higher | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
IMG | immigration | immigration | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
IMPR | improving, improve | improving, improve | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
IMT | immediate, immediately | immediate, immediately | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
INBD | inbound | inbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
INSTL | installed | installed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
INT | intersection | intersection | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LCA | local, located, location, locally | local, located, location, locally | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LEN | length | length | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LNG | long | long | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LGT | light or lighting | light or lighting | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LGTD | lighted | lighted | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LTD | limited | limited | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LVE | leave, leaving | leave, leaving | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LVL | level | level | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
LYR | layer, layered | layer, layered | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
MBST | microburst | microburst | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
MNT | monitor, monitoring, monitored | monitor, monitoring, monitored | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
MNTN | maintain | maintain | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
MS | minus | minus | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
MT | mountain | mountain | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
N | north | north | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
NB | northbound | northbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
NGT | night | night | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
NML | normal | normal | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
NXT | next | next | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OBSC | obscure, obscured, obscuring | obscure, obscured, obscuring | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OCC | occulting | occulting | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OCNL | occasional, occasionally | occasional, occasionally | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OHD | overhead | overhead | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OPN | open | open | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OPR | operator, operate, operative | operator, operate, operative | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
ORD | order | order | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OUBD | outbound | outbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
OVC | overcast | overcast | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PARL | parallel | parallel | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PCD | proceed, proceeding | proceed, proceeding | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PCT | per cent | per cent | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PER | performance | performance | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
POSS | possible | possible | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PRI | primary | primary | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PRKG | parking | parking | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PROV | provisional | provisional | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PS | plus | plus | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PSG | passing | passing | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
PSN | position | position | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
QUAD | quadrant | quadrant | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
R | red | red | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RAG | ragged | ragged | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RCH | reach, reaching | reach, reaching | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RDO | radio | radio | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
REC | receive, receiver | receive, receiver | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RDL | radial | radial | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RG | range | range | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RPLC | replace, replaced | replace, replaced | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RQMNTS | requirements | requirements | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RTF | radiotelephone | radiotelephone | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RTG | radiotelegraph | radiotelegraph | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
RTN | return, returned, returning | return, returned, returning | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
S | south | south | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SAN | sanitary | sanitary | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SB | southbound | southbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SECN | section | section | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SECT | sector | sector | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SER | service | service | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SGL | signal | signal | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SIMUL | simultaneous, simultaneously | simultaneous, simultaneously | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SLW | slow | slow | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SRY | secondary | secondary | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SS | sandstorm | sandstorm | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
SVCBL | serviceable | serviceable | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
T | temperature | temperature | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
T | true | true | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TAIL | tail wind | tail wind | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TAX | taxiing, taxi | taxiing, taxi | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
THRU | through | through | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TIL | until | until | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TOX | toxic | toxic | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TR | track | track | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TROP | tropopause | tropopause | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
TT | teletypewriter | teletypewriter | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
U/S | unserviceable | unserviceable | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
UNA | unable | unable | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
UNL | unlimited | unlimited | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
UNREL | unreliable | unreliable | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
VCY | vicinity | vicinity | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
VER | vertical | vertical | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
VIS | visibility | visibility | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
W | west | west | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
W | white | white | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WB | westbound | westbound | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WI | within | within | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WID | width | width | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WKN | weaken, weakening | weaken, weakening | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WO | without | without | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WS | windshear | windshear | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WSPD | windspeed | windspeed | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WT | weight | weight | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WTSPT | waterspout | waterspout | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
WX | weather radar | weather radar | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
X | cross | cross | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
XBAR | crossbar | crossbar | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
XNG | crossing | crossing | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
XS | atmospheric | atmospheric | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
Y | yellow | yellow | 3rd Case - abbreviations spelled out in sentence case |
AAD | assigned altitude deviation | assigned altitude deviation | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AAR | air to air refuelling | air to air refuelling | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ABI | advance boundary information | advance boundary information | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ADO | aerodrome office | aerodrome office | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ADVS | advisory service | advisory service | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AES | aircraft earth station | aircraft earth station | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AIDC | air traffic services interfacility data communications | air traffic services interfacility data communications | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AIREP | air-report | air-report | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ALA | alighting area | alighting area | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ALRS | alerting service | alerting service | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AMS | aeronautical mobile service | aeronautical mobile service | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AMSS | aeronautical mobile satellite service | aeronautical mobile satellite service | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
APSG | after passing | after passing | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ARP | air-report | air-report | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ARQ | automatic error correction | automatic error correction | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ARS | special air-report | special air-report | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ASE | altimetry system error | altimetry system error | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ATP | at… time or place | at… time or place | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AUW | all up weight | all up weight | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AWTA | advise at what time able | advise at what time able | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
BA | braking action (not each word in upper) | braking action (not each word in upper) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
BASE | cloud base | cloud base | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
BLO | below clouds | below clouds | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
BS | commercial broadcasting station | commercial broadcasting station | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
BTL | between layers | between layers | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CA | course to an altitude | course to an altitude | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CAT | clear air turbulence | clear air turbulence | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CF | change frequency to | change frequency to | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CF | course to a fix | course to a fix | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CGL | circling guidance lights | circling guidance lights | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CLA | clear type of ice formation | clear type of ice formation | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CLIMB-OUT | climb-out area | climb-out area | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CLRD | RWY cleared | RWY cleared | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
COP | change-over point | change-over point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
COT | at the coast | at the coast | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CPL | current flight plan | current flight plan | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CRM | collision risk model | collision risk model | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CTAM | climb and maintain | climb and maintain | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CVR | cockpit voice recorder | cockpit voice recorder | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
CW | continuous wave | continuous wave | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DCD | double channel duplex | double channel duplex | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DCP | datum crossing point | datum crossing point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DCS | double channel simplex | double channel simplex | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DER | departure end of RWY | departure end of RWY | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DFDR | digital flight data recorder | digital flight data recorder | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DFTI | distance from touchdown indication | distance from touchdown indication | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DLIC | data link initiation capability | data link initiation capability | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DOF | date of flight | date of flight | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DP | dew point temperature | dew point temperature | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DR | dead reckoning | dead reckoning | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DSB | double sideband | double sideband | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DTAM | descend to and maintain | descend to and maintain | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DTG | date-time-group | date-time-group | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DTHR | displaced THR | displaced THR | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DTRT | deteriorate, deteriorating | deteriorate, deteriorating | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DTW | dual tandem wheels | dual tandem wheels | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DUC | dense upper cloud | dense upper cloud | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DUPE# | duplicated message | duplicated message | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
DW | dual wheels | dual wheels | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EAT | expected approach time | expected approach time | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EDA | elevation differential area | elevation differential area | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EET | estimated elapsed time | estimated elapsed time | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EFC | expected further clearance | expected further clearance | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EFIS | electronic flight instrument systems | electronic flight instrument systems | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ELR | extra long range | extra long range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
END | stop-end | stop-end | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ENE | east-north-east | east-north-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ESE | east-south-east | east-south-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
EVS | enhanced vision system | enhanced vision system | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FCT | friction coefficient | friction coefficient | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FDPS | flight data processing system | flight data processing system | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FISA | Use 'Automated FIS' instead. | Use 'Automated FIS' instead. | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FLTCK | flight check | flight check | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FLY | fly, flying | fly, flying | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FM | from | from | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FNA | final approach | final approach | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FPAP | flight path alignment point | flight path alignment point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FPM | feet per minute | feet per minute | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FPR | fligh plan route | fligh plan route | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FR | fuel remaining | fuel remaining | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FSL | full stop landing | full stop landing | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FSS | flight service station | flight service station | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FTE | flight technical error | flight technical error | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
FTT | flight technical tolerance | flight technical tolerance | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GA | go ahead, resume sending | go ahead, resume sending | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GAIN | airspeed or headwind gain | airspeed or headwind gain | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GARP | GBAS azimuth reference point | GBAS azimuth reference point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GLS | GLS landing system | GLS landing system | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GNDCK | ground check | ground check | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GPA | glide path angle | glide path angle | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GPIP | glide path intercept point | glide path intercept point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GRAS | ground based regional augmentation system | ground based regional augmentation system | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
GUND | geoid undulation | geoid undulation | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HA | holding/racetrack to an altitude | holding/racetrack to an altitude | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HBN | hazard beacon | hazard beacon | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HF | holding/racetrack to a fix | holding/racetrack to a fix | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HLS | heliport landing site | heliport landing site | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HM | holding/racetrack to a manual termination | holding/racetrack to a manual termination | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
HUD | head-up display | head-up display | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
IAO | in and out of clouds | in and out of clouds | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
IAR | intersection of air routes | intersection of air routes | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
IBN | identification beacon | identification beacon | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
IFF | identification friend/foe | identification friend/foe | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
IGA | international general aviation | international general aviation | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
INA | intital approach | intital approach | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
INC | in cloud | in cloud | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
INP | if not possible | if not possible | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
INPR | in progress | in progress | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ISB | independent sideband | independent sideband | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ISOL | isolated | isolated | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
JTST | jetstream | jetstream | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
LAN | inland | inland | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
LMT | local mean time | local mean time | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
LOSS | airspeed or headwind loss | airspeed or headwind loss | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
LRG | long range | long range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
LTP | landing thr point | landing thr point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MAHF | missed approach holding fix | missed approach holding fix | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MAR | at sea | at sea | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MATF | missed approach turning fix | missed approach turning fix | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MCW | modulated continuous wave | modulated continuous wave | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MDF | medium frequency direction finding station | medium frequency direction finding station | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MHDF | medium and high frequency direction finding stations | medium and high frequency direction finding stations | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MHVDF | medium, high and very high frequency direction finding stations | medium, high and very high frequency direction finding stations | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MID | mid-point | mid-point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MON | above mountains | above mountains | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MOPS | minimum operational performance standards | minimum operational performance standards | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MRG | medim range | medim range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MSAW | minimum safety altitude warning | minimum safety altitude warning | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MTOM | maximum take-off mass | maximum take-off mass | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MTU | metric units | metric units | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MTW | moutain waves | moutain waves | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
MVDF | medium and very high hrequency direction finding stations | medium and very high hrequency direction finding stations | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
N | no distinct tendency | no distinct tendency | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NADP | noise abatement departure procedure | noise abatement departure procedure | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NASC | national AIS system centre | national AIS system centre | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NBFR | not before | not before | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NC | no change | no change | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NE | north-east | north-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NEB | north-eastbound | north-eastbound | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NEG | negative | negative | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NN | no name, unnamed | no name, unnamed | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NNE | north-north-east | north-north-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NNW | north-north-west | north-north-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NRH | no reply heard | no reply heard | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NSE | navigation system error | navigation system error | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NSW | nil significant weather | nil significant weather | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NW | north-west | north-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
NWB | north-westbound | north-westbound | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
OPC | the control indicated is operational control | the control indicated is operational control | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
OSV | ocean station vessel | ocean station vessel | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
OTP | on top | on top | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PA | precision approach | precision approach | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PCL | pilot-controlled lighting | pilot-controlled lighting | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PDC | pre-departure clearance | pre-departure clearance | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PDG | procedure design gradient | procedure design gradient | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PJE | parachute jumping exercise | parachute jumping exercise | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PLA | practice low approach | practice low approach | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PLVL | present level | present level | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PN | prior notice required | prior notice required | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PNR | point of no return | point of no return | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
POB | persons on board | persons on board | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PPI | plan position indicator | plan position indicator | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PPSN | present position | present position | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PRP | point-in-space reference point | point-in-space reference point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PSP | pierced steel plank | pierced steel plank | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PSYS | pressure system(s) | pressure system(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
PTN | procedure turn | procedure turn | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
R | rate of turn | rate of turn | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RA | resolution advisory | resolution advisory | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RAG | RWY arresting gear | RWY arresting gear | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RAI | RWY alignment indicator | RWY alignment indicator | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RB | rescue boat | rescue boat | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RCL | RWY centre line | RWY centre line | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RCLL | RWY centre line light(s) | RWY centre line light(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RCLR | recleared | recleared | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RCP | required communication performance | required communication performance | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
REDL | RWY edge light(s) | RWY edge light(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RENL | RWY end light(s) | RWY end light(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RHC | right-hand circuit | right-hand circuit | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RIF | reclearance in flight | reclearance in flight | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RL | report leaving | report leaving | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RLA | relay to | relay to | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RLCE | request level change en-route | request level change en-route | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RLLS | RWY lead-in lighting system | RWY lead-in lighting system | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RLNA | requested level not available | requested level not available | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RNG | radio range | radio range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ROC | rate of climb | rate of climb | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ROD | rate of descent | rate of descent | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RON | receiving only | receiving only | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RPDS | reference path data selector | reference path data selector | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RPI | radar position Indicator | radar position Indicator | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RR | report reaching | report reaching | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RSC | rescue sub-centre | rescue sub-centre | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RSCD | runway surface condition | runway surface condition | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RSP | responder beacon | responder beacon | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RSS | root sum square | root sum square | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RTHL | RWY THR light(s) | RWY THR light(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RTODAH | rejected take-off distance available, helicopter | rejected take-off distance available, helicopter | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RTS | return to service | return to service | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RTT | radioteletypewriter | radioteletypewriter | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RTZL | RWY touchdown zone light(s) | RWY touchdown zone light(s) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RUT | standard regional route transmitting frequencies | standard regional route transmitting frequencies | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
RV | rescue vessel | rescue vessel | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SD | standard deviation | standard deviation | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SDBY | stand by | stand by | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SDF | step down fix | step down fix | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SE | south-east | south-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SEB | south-eastbound | south-eastbound | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SIF | selective identification feature | selective identification feature | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SIWL | single isolated wheel load | single isolated wheel load | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SLP | speed limiting point | speed limiting point | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SOC | start of climb | start of climb | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SPI | special position indicator | special position indicator | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SPL | supplementary flight plan | supplementary flight plan | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SPOC | SAR point of contact | SAR point of contact | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SPOT | spot wind | spot wind | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SRG | short range | short range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SSB | single sideband | single sideband | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SSE | south-south-east | south-south-east | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SST | supersonic transport | supersonic transport | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SSW | south-south-west | south-south-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
STA | straight-in approach | straight-in approach | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
STOL | short take-off and landing | short take-off and landing | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
STWL | stopway lights | stopway lights | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SW | south-west | south-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
SWB | south-westbound | south-westbound | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TA | traffic advisory | traffic advisory | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TECR | technical reason | technical reason | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TIP | until past… (place) | until past… (place) | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TNA | turn altitude | turn altitude | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TNH | turn height | turn height | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TOC | top of climb | top of climb | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TOP | cloud top | cloud top | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TWYL | taxiway-link | taxiway-link | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
TYP | type of aircraft | type of aircraft | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
UA | unmanned acft | unmanned acft | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
UAB | until advised by | until advised by | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
UHDT | unable higher due traffic | unable higher due traffic | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ULM | ultralight motorized acft | ultralight motorized acft | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
ULR | ultra long range | ultra long range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
UNAP | unable to approve | unable to approve | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VA | heading to an altitude | heading to an altitude | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VAL | in valleys | in valleys | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VAN | RWY control van | RWY control van | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VAR | visual-aural radio range | visual-aural radio range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VI | heading to an intercept | heading to an intercept | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VLR | very long range | very long range | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VM | heading to a manual termination | heading to a manual termination | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VOT | VOR airborne equipment test facility | VOR airborne equipment test facility | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VPA | vertical path angle | vertical path angle | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VPT | visual manoeuvre with prescribed track | visual manoeuvre with prescribed track | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VSA | by visual reference to the ground | by visual reference to the ground | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VSP | vertical speed | vertical speed | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
VTF | vector to final | vector to final | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WAFC | world area forecast centre | world area forecast centre | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WBAR | wing bar lights | wing bar lights | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WDSPR | widespread | widespread | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WNW | west-north-west | west-north-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WSW | west-south-west | west-south-west | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
WX | weather | weather | 4th Case - acronyms spelled out in lower case |
AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case+D1 |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level | Above Aerodrome Level | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
ADA | Advisory Area | Advisory Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
ADC | Aerodrome Chart | Aerodrome Chart | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
AFS | Aeronautical Fixed Service | Aeronautical Fixed Service | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
AIM | Aeronautical Information Management | Aeronautical Information Management | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
ALS | Approach Lighting System | Approach Lighting System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
AMA | Area Minimum ALT | Area Minimum ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
ARC | Area Chart | Area Chart | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
ATCSMAC | ATC Surveillance Minimum ALT Chart | ATC Surveillance Minimum ALT Chart | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
CDO | Continuous Descent Operations | Continuous Descent Operations | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
CRP | Compulsory Reporting Point | Compulsory Reporting Point | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | Cyclic Redundancy Check | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
D | Danger Area | Danger Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
DCPC | Direct Controller-Pilot Communication | Direct Controller-Pilot Communication | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
FMC | Flight Management Computer | Flight Management Computer | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
FMS | Flight Management System | Flight Management System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
FMU | Flow Management Unit | Flow Management Unit | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GCA | Ground Controlled APP | Ground Controlled APP | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GES | Ground Earth Station | Ground Earth Station | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GMC | Ground Movement Chart | Ground Movement Chart | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GPU | Ground Power Unit | Ground Power Unit | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GPWS | Ground Proxmity Warning Area | Ground Proxmity Warning Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
GRASS | Grass Landing Area | Grass Landing Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
LTA | Lower Control Area | Lower Control Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MAA | Max Authorised ALT | Max Authorised ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MCA | Minimum Crossing ALT | Minimum Crossing ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MEA | Miminum ENR ALT | Miminum ENR ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MHA | Minimum Holding ALT | Minimum Holding ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MNPS | Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications | Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MRA | Minimum Reception ALT | Minimum Reception ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MSA | Minimum Sector ALT | Minimum Sector ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MOCA | Minimum Obstacle Clearance ALT | Minimum Obstacle Clearance ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
MSAS | Multifunctional Transport Satellite Satellite-based Augmentation System | Multifunctional Transport Satellite Satellite-based Augmentation System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
NOZ | Normal Operating Zone | Normal Operating Zone | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
NTZ | No Transgression Zone | No Transgression Zone | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OAS | Obstacle Assessment Surface | Obstacle Assessment Surface | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OCA | Oceanic Control Area | Oceanic Control Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OCS | Obstacle Clearance Surface | Obstacle Clearance Surface | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OFZ | Obstacle Free Zone | Obstacle Free Zone | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OIS | Obstacle Identification Surface | Obstacle Identification Surface | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
OTS | Organised Track System | Organised Track System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
PALS | Precision Approach Lighting System | Precision Approach Lighting System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
P | Prohibited Area | Prohibited Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
PTS | Polar Track Structure | Polar Track Structure | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
R | Restricted Area | Restricted Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RASC | Regional AIS System Centre | Regional AIS System Centre | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RASS | Remote Altimeter Setting Source | Remote Altimeter Setting Source | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RCA | Reach Cruising ALT | Reach Cruising ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RFFS | Rescue and Fire Fighting Services | Rescue and Fire Fighting Services | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RPS | Radar Position Symbol | Radar Position Symbol | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
RVA | RWY Vectoring Area | RWY Vectoring Area | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
SALS | Simple Approach Lighting Systems | Simple Approach Lighting Systems | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
SMC | Surface Movement Control | Surface Movement Control | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
SMR | Surface Movement Radar | Surface Movement Radar | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
SRR | SAR Region | SAR Region | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
TAA | Terminal Arrival ALT | Terminal Arrival ALT | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
TCH | THR Crossing Height | THR Crossing Height | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
TGS | Taxiing Guidance System | Taxiing Guidance System | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
TIBA | Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft | Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
TRA | Temporary Reserved Airspace | Temporary Reserved Airspace | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
UAR | Upper Air Route | Upper Air Route | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
UIC | Upper Information Centre | Upper Information Centre | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
YCZ | Yellow Caution Zone | Yellow Caution Zone | 5th Case - acronyms spelled out in Sentence Case |
C | C | degrees Celsius | 6th Case - units of measurement |
FT | ft | foot/feet | 6th Case - units of measurement |
HPA | hPa | hectopascal | 6th Case - units of measurement |
HZ | Hz | hertz | 6th Case - units of measurement |
HR | HR | hour | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KG | kg | kilogram | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KM | km | kilometer | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KMH | kmh | kilometer per hour | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KPA | kPa | kilopascal | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KW | kW | kilowatt | 6th Case - units of measurement |
KT | kt | knots | 6th Case - units of measurement |
LITRE | litre | litre | 6th Case - units of measurement |
MHZ | MHz | megahertz | 6th Case - units of measurement |
M | m | metre | 6th Case - units of measurement |
MIN | min | minute | 6th Case - units of measurement |
NM | NM | nautical mile | 6th Case - units of measurement |
SEC | sec | second | 6th Case - units of measurement |