Supporting material for ICAO Aerodrome Mapping Data Sets
ED-99/DO-272 Definition: Guidance line painted on the runway exit.
AIXM 5.1.1 Definition: A symbol or group of symbols displayed as the guidance line.
In order to have a complete correspondence the following extensions are needed:
ED-99/DO-272 | A | B | C | D | AIXM 5.1.1 | AIRM 1.0.0 | |
RunwayExitLine | x | x | x | x | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine[type='OTHER:RWY_EXIT_LINE']] | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:RunwayExitLine | |
1 | stfeat | x | x | featureLifetime.gml:TimePeriod.gml:beginPosition | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@startEntityLifetime | ||
2 | endfeat | x | x | featureLifetime.gml:TimePeriod.gml:endPosition | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@endEntityLifetime | ||
3 | stvalid | x | x | validTime.gml:TimePeriod.gml:beginPosition | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@startValidity | ||
4 | endvalid | x | x | validTime.gml:TimePeriod.gml:endPosition | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@endValidity | ||
5 | interp | x | x | interpretation | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@interpretation | ||
6 | feattype | x | x | x | x | Note: Can be implied | |
7 | idnumber | x | x | x | identifier | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:Entity@identifier | |
8 | idarpt | x | x | x | x | markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine.connectedTaxiway.Taxiway.associatedAirportHeliport.AirportHeliport.locationIndicatorICAO | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:Aerodrome@locationIndicatorICAO |
9 | idlin | x | x | x | x | markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine.designator | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:GuidanceLine@designator |
10 | vacc | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.extent.MarkingExtent.curveExtent.ElevatedCurve.verticalAccuracy | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:DataTypes:GeometryTypes:ThreeDimensionalPointType@verticalAccuracy |
11 | hacc | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.extent.MarkingExtent.curveExtent.ElevatedCurve.horizontalAccuracy | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:DataTypes:GeometryTypes:ThreeDimensionalSurfaceType@horizontalAccuracy |
12 | vres | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.extent.MarkingExtent.curveExtent.ElevatedCurve.verticalResolution | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:DataTypes:GeometryTypes:ThreeDimensionalCurveType@verticalResolution |
13 | hres | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.extent.MarkingExtent.curveExtent.ElevatedCurve.horizontalResolution | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:DataTypes:GeometryTypes:ThreeDimensionalPointType@horizontalResolution |
14 | source | x | x | x | x | source | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@source |
15 | integr | x | x | x | x | integrity | |
16 | revdate | x | x | x | x | revisionDate Note: also needs gmd:CI_Date.gmd:dateType.gmd:CI_DateTypeCode to be set to "revision" | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:TemporalEnabledEntity@lastRevision |
17 | status | x | x | x | x | markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine.connectedTaxiway.Taxiway.availability.manoeuvringAreaAvailability.operationalStatus | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:ManoeuvringAreaAvailability@operationalStatus |
18 | color | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.colour | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:MarkingElement@colour |
19 | style | x | x | x | x | | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:MarkingElement@style |
20 | direc | x | x | x | x | markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine.usageDirection | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:GuidanceLine@usageDirection |
21 | exittype | x | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:RunwayExitLine@exitType | ||||
22 | idrwy | x | markedGuidanceLine.GuidanceLine.connectedRunwayCentrelinePoint.RunwayCentrelinePoint.runwayDirection.RunwayDirection.usedRunway.Runway.designator Note: it is also possible identify the runway designator using a spatial query. | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Subjects:BaseInfrastructure:AerodromeInfrastructure:Runway@designator | |||
23 | geoline | x | x | x | x | element.MarkingElement.extent.MarkingExtent.curveExtent.ElevatedCurve | urn:aero:airm:1.0.0:LogicalModel:Abstract:GeoEnabledEntity@curveExtent |