

The movement area conditions at the airport dynamically change, but most of the changes are planned well in advance and they are published depending on the nature of the change. By changing the way how changes are initiated, published and visualised an effective digital environment is created, decreasing the cost of service and increasing safety and situational awareness.  Individual parts of the movement areas within the aerodrome may have different characteristics and different operational status regarding weather, type of aircraft, etc. It is crucial information for the aerodrome operator and for air navigation services provider at the aerodrome to be aware of these limitations.

Use of Aerodrome Mapping data

The operational status of specific parts of the movement area can be based on several conditions. These conditions and resolving operational status should be part of aerodrome mapping data. The clear example can be the operational status of movement area based on type of the aircraft or the operational status during the reduced aerodrome visibility conditions or low visibility procedures.

The ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) defines the movement area: http://www.airm.aero/viewer/1.0.0/conceptual-model.html#MovementArea

AMD features affected

Aircraft Stand, Apron, Taxiway, Runway

Encoding Movement Area Availability data

The use of aerodrome mapping data facilitates the encoding of Movement Area Availability information. Movement Area Availability with association with Movement Area Usage and Condition Combination represents the information about the operational status of the movement area elements (runway, taxiway, TLOF, etc.) including the status of specific movement area under specific conditions (weather, aircraft, etc.).

The AIXM 5.1 UML provides a logical representation of the Movement Area Availability data when encoded as aeronautical information: The Movement Area Availability data can be encoded for the feature representing complex movement area, e.g. Taxiway as well as for the feature representing only part of the movement area, e.g. Taxiway Element.


Manoeuvering Area Availability: http://aixm.aero/sites/aixm.aero/files/imce/AIXM511HTML/AIXM/Diagram_ManoeuveringAreaAvailability.html

Examples of feature data involved:

(info) The purpose of the colored cells in the tables is to highlight properties which enable the operational change as part of the use case.

Aircraft Stand

In AIXM 5.1 the following set of attributes are used to capture its data:




It captures textual designator of the gate/stand.


Identifies the characteristics, role of a stand. Examples: parking position on the apron, isolated aircraft stand or terminal building gate.


Defines a device used at the aircraft stands in order to help the pilot align and position the aircraft.

association via



surfacePropertiesSurfaceCharacteristicsCaptures surface characteristics of the gate/ stand. As enabled by the the property SurfaceCharacteristics it is possible to enter Composition, Preparation, Surface conditions, PCN, LCN, SIWL, AUW.


locationElevatedPointDefines the location of the gate/stand with all the sub-properties of the property ElevatedPoint. Captures the SRS, Horizontal Accuracy, Elevation, Geoid Undulation, Vertical Datum, Vertical Accuracy and Coordinates of the single point.



Associates the gate/stand with an ApronElement or more accurately location on an ApronElement.

hasExtentextentElevatedSurfaceDefines the boundaries of the gate/stand with all the sub-properties of the property ElevatedPoint. Captures the SRS, Horizontal Accuracy, Elevation, Geoid Undulation, Vertical Datum, Vertical Accuracy and Coordinates of the points.
isContaminatedcontaminantAircraftStandContaminationCreates a possibility define information about the contaminant. Observation Time, Depth, Friction and all the sub-properties of the property AircraftStandContamination.
hasAnnotationsannotationNoteCaptures annotation, translated notes and their purpose.
isOperationalByavailabilityApronAreaAvailabilityDefines the operational status of the AircraftStand. Daily, Date or Weekday schedules and their properties where user defines the status, warning (the reason why the status has been changed), usage, special date authority and separate annotations of the change.


In AIXM 5.1 the following set of attributes are used to capture its data:




The name used to identify an apron at an airport which has more than one apron.


Indicates if an apron is not in operational use, but is still visible in its degraded state.

association via



associatedAirportHeliportAirportHeliportCaptures which AirportHeliport is the apron associated with.


surfacePropertiesSurfaceCharacteristicsEnables to define the surface characteristics of an Apron. Its Composition, PCN, LCN, SIWL and AUW.



Defines the operational status of the apron. Daily, Date or Weekday schedules and their properties where user defines the status, warning (the reason why the status has been changed), usage, special date authority and separate annotations of the change.

hasAnnotationsannotationNoteCaptures annotation, translated notes and their purpose.
isContaminatedcontaminantApronContaminationCreates a possibility define information about the contaminant. Observation Time, Depth, Friction and all the sub-properties of the property ApronContamination.


In AIXM 5.1 the following set of attributes are used to capture its data:




It captures textual designator of the taxiway.


Identifies the type of taxiway. Examples: air taxiway, ground taxiway, exit/turnoff, rapid exit/turnoff, turn around and others.


Indicates the physical width of the taxiway.

width ShoulderEnables to enter the value of taxiway shoulder width.
lengthCaptures the length of the taxiway.
abandonedIndicates if the taxiway is in operational use. If still physically present but not in use, it may be marked as abandoned.

association via



associatedAirportHeliportAirportHeliportCaptures the airport the taxiway is associated with.


surfacePropertiesSurfaceCharacteristicsEnables to define the surface characteristics of the Taxiway. Its Composition, PCN, LCN, SIWL and AUW.



Defined the operational status of the taxiway. Daily, Date or Weekday schedules and their properties where user defines the status, warning (the reason why the status has been changed), usage, special date authority and separate annotations of the change.

isContaminatedcontaminantTaxiwayContaminationCreates a possibility define information about the contaminant. Observation Time, Depth, Friction and all the sub-properties of the property TaxiwayContamination.
hasAnnotationsannotationNoteCaptures annotation, translated notes and their purpose.


In AIXM 5.1 the following set of attributes are used to capture Runway data:




It captures the unique textual designator of the runway.


Identifies the type of the runway. Examples: runway for airplanes or FATO area specific for helicopters.


The length of the runway, a longitudinal extent of the runway used for operational calculations.

lengthAccuracyEnables to enter the accuracy value of the length of the runway.
nominalWidthCaptures the width of the runway, its transversal extent used for operational calculations.
widthAccuracyDefines the accuracy value of the width of the runway.
widthShoulderThe user is allowed to enter the runway shoulder width.
lengthStripIt allows the entry of the length of the strip, where a strip is a defined area including the runway, if applicable the stopway.
widthStripIt allows the entry of the width of the strip, where a strip is a defined area including the runway, if applicable the stopway.
lengthOffsetCaptures the value which specifies the longitudinal offset of the strip, when it is not symetrically extended beyond the two runway edges. Where a strip is a defined area including the runway, if applicable the stopway.
widthOffsetSpecifies the lateral offset of the strip, when it is not symmetrically extended beyond the two runway edges. Where a strip is a defined area including the runway, if applicable the stopway.
abandonedIndicates if the runway is still in operational use, or is in physically degraded state, abandoned.

association to Runway



approachTakeOffAreaTouchDownLiftOffThe approach and take off runway area containing the touchdown lift off zone.


markedRunwayRunwayMarkingRunway that is marked.


PARRunwayRadarSystemA choice of Runway or AirportHeliport.
describesPartOfassociatedRunwayRunwayElementRunway associated with the element.
usesusedRunwayRunwayDirectionThe runway used by the RunwayDirection.
preventsEntryOnprotectedRunwayTaxiHoldingPositionRunway protected by the taxi holding position.

Runway Direction

In AIXM 5.1 the following set of attributes are used to capture RunwayDirection data:




A designator for one of the two possible landing and/or take-off directions of a runway or Final Approach and Take-off Area (FATO).
trueBearingThe measured angle between the runway direction and True North at a given position.
trueBearingAccuracyThe accuracy of the measured angle between the runway direction and True North at a given position.
magneticBearingThe measured angle between the runway direction and Magnetic North at a given position.
patternVFRThe direction, i.e. left or right, of the Visual Flight Rules (VFR) flight pattern at an aerodrome/heliport for a runway direction.
slopeTDZTouchdown zone longitudinal slope (slope of 1/3 of the runway length from threshold or first 3000 feet for runways longer than 9000 feet) for a runway direction.
elevationTDZThe highest elevation of the runway Touch Down Zone (TDZ) for a runway direction.
elevationTDZAccuracyThe accuracy of the reported Touch Down Zone elevation of runway direction.
approachMarkingTypeThe type of runway direction marking related to landing categories such as precision, non-precision and basic.
approachMarkingConditionThe quality of the runway direction marking such as good, fair, poor and other.
classLightingJARA classification of the approach lighting system for a runway direction using as criteria Joint Aviation Requirements JAR-OPS 1 - Subpart E, Appendix 1 to 1.430.
precisionApproachGuidanceDegree to which navigation aids provide accurate approach guidance for a runway direction.

association from

isOperationalByavailabilityManoeuvringAreaAvailabilityThe operational status of the RunwayDirection.
usesusedRunwayRunwayThe runway used by the RunwayDirection.
hasStart*startingElementRunwayElementThe RunwayElement that starts the RunwayDirection.

Use case: availability of movement area

The property Availability within the features listed above enables to encode the operational status and time information of the feature.

Within each Availability a sub-property Usage defines the rules of the operations for the specific Availability.

Movement Area Availability

Logical representation of Movement Area Availability properties:


The following table lists the attributes used to capture the data:




An indicator of the availability of the facility for specific flight operations.


A reason for caution when operating at the facility.


Rule which regulates the usage of the ManoeuvringArea.




Indicates that the SpecialDates associated with the related OrganisationAuthority are applicable to the schedule definition.


A component of the schedule.

The attribute "usage" captures the relation between the maneuvering area availability information and maneuvering area usage information. Within AIXM 5.1.1 data this relationship can be navigated.

Movement Area Usage

Logical representation of Movement Area Usage properties:


The following table lists the attributes used to capture the data:




The type of activity for which an area under Air Traffic Control is specified.


The nature of the limitation (such as a permission or an interdiction) which determine rules for usage of an airport/heliport or one of its surfaces.


For a Conditional Permission, this indicates that a prior permission is required. Positive values indicate prior permission required before using the airport movement area. Note: this can only be specified for limitations of type 'conditional permission'.


The selection of flights, environmental conditions and times for which the usage is specified.




The contact information for a person or group.

The property ‘Selection' represents the navigable association from object Manoeuvering Area Usage to the object Condition Combination.

Condition Combination

Logical representation of Condition Combination attributes:


The following table lists the attributes used to capture the data:

logicalOperatorThe type of operation combining an elementary condition or a previously defined combination with other elementary conditions or previously defined combinations.
AssociationRole description
dependsOnWeatherWeather conditions for which the usage is specified.
dependsOnAircraftA type of aircraft for which the usage is specified.
dependsOnFlightA type of flight for which the usage is specified.
dependsOnCombinationA preceding combination of conditions.
isComposedOfA component of the schedule.
appliesSpecialDatesOfIndicates that the SpecialDates associated with the related OrganisationAuthority are applicable to the schedule definition.


This section provides a representation of an actual use case. The concept of encoding the availability can be used within all identified features.

The image below displays the availability of movement area (Taxiway, Apron, etc.) including the Schedule, Operational Status and specified Usage - All operations for aircraft with wingspan greater than 40 m are forbidden.

Example GUI for data capturing:

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