
Implementation of AMD shall follow a collaborative approach involving the concerned stakeholders. This will maximize the benefits and the utilization of AMD.

This section documents high-level implementation scenarios for the provision of AMD.

(info) It is based on ICAO Annex 15, ICAO Annex 14, PANS-AIM (Doc 10066) and the European regulatory context.

Following cited provisions and regulations it is an AISP responsibility to provide AMD.

However AISPs can delegate the provision of AMD to aerodromes, recognizing the aerodrome as data originator.

Certification of aerodromes as provider of authoritative data is going beyond the scope of this guidance.

(info) If an aerodrome is not certified to provide AMD, users shall be aware that the use for air/ground navigation is excluded.

While the section Implementation drivers mentions three approaches, two scenarios are further documented here since similar for both ANSP and Aerodrome.

Scenario 1: State initiates

In this scenario the State decides to implement State wide provision of AMD. 

StepActivityOutput - DocumentResponsible party

1. Decision making on AMD provision

The State decides to implement AMD.


2. Identification of stakeholders and focal points

The identification of stakeholders needs to include roles and responsibilities. Focal points of the parties involved need to be known.

3. Forming a Working GroupA representative Working Group (State/CAA involved) is formed based on the identified stakeholders and responsible parties.
Working Group with terms of referenceState/CAA

4. Analysis of international regulations, standards and guidelines

The Working Group identifies and analyses the documents the national regulation will be based on.AnalysisWorking Group
5. Classification of aerodromes

The Working Group together with State/CAA identifies aerodromes that should implement AMD provision based on their scale of operations, complexity and needs as well as impact on the network

List of aerodromes that will provide AMDWorking Group/State
6. Establishing the national regulation

The regulation is being prepared according to normal State processes.

National regulationState/CAA
7. Making AMD available

The AISPs and Aerodromes agree how AMD will be published and how will it impact publication of AIP.

N/AAISP, Aerodromes
8a. Implementation plan - AISPAISP creates an implementation plan to fulfill all requirements from the national regulation.AISP implementation planAISP
8b. Implementation plan - AerodromeAerodrome creates an implementation plan to fulfill all requirements from the national regulation.Aerodrome implementation planAerodrome
9. Formal agreements - LoAsFormal agreements, LoAs are created between stakeholders.Formal agreementsInvolved stakeholders
10. Use of AMDThe provision and use of AMD is implemented as defined in the national regulation.AMD data provisioningAll stakeholders involved

Scenario 2: Aerodrome or ANSP initiates

In this scenario the Aerodrome or the ANSP decides to provide AMD.

StepActivityOutput - DocumentResponsible party

1. Decision to investigate provision of AMD.

The Aerodrome or ANSP management initiates an internal kick-off meeting.N/AAerodrome management, ANSP management
2. Analysis of the potential AMD use at the aerodrome

Working group is created which role is to analyse internal processes and identify use cases and benefits of AMD. The working group has to involve multiple departments. Each should analyse how AMD improves their current processes.

AnalysisInternal working group

3. Decision to provide AMD

Aerodrome management decides based on the output of the working group if AMD will be implemented and to what extent.Decision - Scope of AMD useAerodrome management, ANSP management
4. Collaboration

If there is a National Regulation already in place the collaborative processes are already set by this legislation. 
If there isn't a National Regulation published, the entity which decided to provide or originate AMD starts a collaborative process with the each actor within the data chain to implement AMD provision according to best practices, international standards and EU law. If there is no positive feedback from other stakeholders, the entity may still use AMD internally.

N/AAerodrome, ANSP, AISP

5. Implementation plan

The Working Group at the aerodrome initiates creation of implementation plan based on the decided extent and agreed collaboration with other partners.

Internal implementation planInternal working group
6. Formal agreements - LoAsFormal agreements, LoAs are being created between stakeholders, third parties.
  • Data suppliers & originators - data product specifications
  • AISP or Aerodrome - agreement and specification how data is provided
Formal agreementsAerodrome, ANSP, AISP
7. Use of AMDAMD is implemented as agreed and defined in the steps above.AMD provisioningAll stakeholders involved / Internally at an Aerodrome or ANSP

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