
This section provides ‘Hotspot’ feature data encoding guidance.


AMD data encoding can start when the necessary geographic information, aeronautical information and basic knowledge regarding the structure of created feature is available.

From the geographical point of view, several points of the outer border of the Hotspot need to be captured. The key attributes are the longitude, latitude in reference with WGS-84 and the elevation of each captured point. In the next part the process of converting the geographical information into the GML form, thus into geometry information is described.

Based on Aeronatical Data Catalogue the required type of geometry for feature AirportHotSpot is 'Polygon'. The definition Polygon can be found in the Table A1-9 Data types of the Aeronautical Data Catalogue.

AMD encoding

AIXM 5.1

Ed-99 feature Hotspot is mapped to the AIXM 5.1 as feature AirportHotSpot.


In the AIXM 5.1 the geometry of the AirportHotSpot is polygon encoded as object ElevatedSurface.

For more information regarding AIXM 5.1 Geometry encoding follow 'AIXM data coding'.

GML considerations:

AIXM 5.1 is based on GML. Hence, obtained geographical locations shall be transferred into a GML geometry object PolygonPatch.

Figure 1 : Hotspot


Feature AirportHotSpot shall be established in accordance with coding rules and requirements listed in AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model.

AIXM 5.1 features

Hotspot is encoded to the AIXM 5.1 as one feature AirportHotSpot.

All associations are shown in the UML Diagram (see below).



UML Diagram (AirportHeliport)


Content of example

The following AMD properties are not covered in the AIXM 5.1. coding example: vres, hres, integr, hstext1, hstext2. These are covered by an AIXM 5.1. extension.

Coding example - Structure of message

<AIXMBasicMessage  ...>
    <aixm:AirportHeliport gml:id="uuid.0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48">
    <aixm:AirportHotSpot gml:id="uuid.299ab743-0a5c-4c4e-b12e-a1bee315c01a">

Coding example - AirportHotSpot

    <aixm:AirportHotSpot gml:id="uuid.299ab743-0a5c-4c4e-b12e-a1bee315c01a">
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">299ab743-0a5c-4c4e-b12e-a1bee315c01a</gml:identifier>
        <aixm:AirportHotSpotTimeSlice gml:id="uuid.3fc35cea-1f9d-4462-895b-11ac717fe811">
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.a5c2e11c-ec89-4490-b44c-e448a75a7ce1">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.78debc0b-bf93-44c2-831b-94b85988e79c">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <aixm:ElevatedSurface gml:id="uuid.18123732-a760-4d15-96e0-7645bedb518f" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                        <gml:Curve gml:id="uuid.b0ba337c-3488-4fab-859a-fb05dc097fcc">
                            <gml:GeodesicString interpolation="geodesic">
                              <gml:posList>50.11183213 14.26521147 50.11173302 14.26528567 50.1115501 14.26541817 50.1114621 14.26548506 50.11149753 14.26560196 50.11160563 14.26596233 50.11156764 14.26592145 50.11155995 14.26591367 50.11156728 14.26589725 50.11148317 14.26581095 50.11142894 14.26596006 50.11128674 14.26628205 50.11123977 14.26642919 50.11126125 14.26643893 50.11133624 14.26648941 50.11140833 14.26654504 50.11147147 14.26659711 50.11151016 14.26662767 50.11159132 14.26671252 50.11169544 14.26683362 50.11184832 14.2670205 50.11185381 14.26702707 50.11186572 14.26704241 50.11187716 14.26705856 50.11188803 14.26707554 50.11189852 14.2670933 50.11190837 14.26711192 50.11191771 14.26713106 50.11192109 14.26713838 50.11192924 14.26715736 50.11193671 14.26717677 50.1119436 14.26719687 50.11197877 14.26729737 50.11217034 14.26711557 50.11234751 14.26693613 50.11226335 14.26665235 50.11217436 14.26635503 50.11206542 14.26599132 50.11198378 14.26571922 50.11187343 14.2653489 50.11183213 14.26521147</gml:posList>
              <aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">1</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
          <aixm:affectedAirport xlink:href="#0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48" xlink:title="LKPR" />

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