AIXM Model Overview
The figure below shows the main AIXM 5 classes used for the runway usage / availability concept.
Coding rules
Basic rules for the coding of availability data for RunwayDirection:
- the operationalStatus has the value 'NORMAL' (meaning that the facility operates with nominal parameters) for all RunwayDirection.ManoeuvringAreaAvailability that are part of the BASELINE data;
- operations that are explicitly permitted have been encoded as ManoeuvringAreaUsage with type='PERMIT' or 'CONDITIONAL' (in case a PPR is necessary);
- operations that are explicitly forbidden have been encoded as ManoeuvringAreaUsage with type='FORBID';
- if the airport is exclusively reserved for certain operations, then the ManoeuvringAreaAvailability that describes this condition contains only ManoeuvringAreaUsage elements with type='RESERV';
- in case of conflicting data:
- the usages of type 'FORBID' take precedence over usages of type 'PERMIT' or 'RESERVE';
- the usages of type 'PERMIT' take precedence over the usages of type 'RESERVE'.