
These pages contain the AIXM 5 data content coding guidelines. These are grouped in a set or subset of one or more PANS-AIM subject areas such as Airspace, Airport/Heliport, Navaid, etc.

The coding guidelines cover those data items, which in the Mapping PANS-AIM AIP Data Set to AIXM 5 are identified as minimum and conditional data.

The coding guidelines are written in regard to the provision of a full AIP data set, i.e. assuming that the data are provided as AIXM 5 BASELINE timeslices. Considerations regarding the provision of data as PERMDELTA or TEMPDELTA timeslices are not made unless explicitly mentioned in the guidelines (For detailed information about the different interpretations of AIXM 5 timeslices see the document AIXM Temporality Concept  which can be accessed at

Page Table of Content

How to Read

The Confluence page for each subject area is structured as follows:

Purpose and Scope

At the beginning of each page it is described, which subject area(s) defined in PANS-AIM is covered in the page and an overview of the scope (i.e. what data is covered by the guidelines) is provided.

AIXM Model Overview

Each of these pages provide an Overview of the AIXM 5 model (i.e. AIXM 5 classes) used to encode the data of the subject area.

The complete AIXM 5.1 and 5.1.1 model (UML and XML schemas) is available on the AIXM website

Coding Topics

Depending on the complexity of the AIXM model, the Overview section may by succeeded by one or more section(s) each of it dealing with a topic of the subject area (e.g. Basic data, Geometry, Units providing services, etc.). The coding topics provide detailed explanations about the relevant AIXM 5 features and properties. They also contain the coding guidelines and recommendations for data items or group of data items.

Some topics are relevant for several subject areas. Each of these common topic is maintained on a separated page, grouped together under the Additional Subjects page. The concerned subject area topics will then contain a link to the corresponding common topic (e.g. "Schedules" is a common topic relevant for the encoding of hours of operation of an airport but also for the time of activity of an airspace, etc.).

Coding Examples

At the end of each page, links to examples of data encoded in AIXM 5 are provided. The encoding examples for the subject areas are part of a dedicated AIP Data Set - Specimen (DONLON). The DONLON AIXM 5.1.1 AIP data set sample file contains only those features identified as minimum/conditional data of an AIP data set, as defined in PANS-AIM. At a later stage additional subject areas may be added, based on other data sets defined in PANS-AIM (e.g. Obstacle data set, Aerodrome mapping data set, Instrument flight procedure design data set) and/or to cover also the optional data of an AIP data set.

As much as possible, ICAO Doc 8126 and the related AIP specimen is used as baseline for the AIP data set examples. In some cases this DONLON data had to be modified in order to fit the AIP data set encoding purposes (existing features have been updated or deleted and new features have been added).  

XPath expressions are provided which can be used to parse the DONLON AIXM 5.1.1 AIP data set sample file for the corresponding data encoding example.

If needed, additional XML fragment of encoding examples may be provided directly on the corresponding Confluence page.


Like for the mapping, also for the coding guidelines AIXM/SBVR notation as defined in the corresponding document  , which can be accessed via, is applied for the formatting of the AIXM elements.


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