This is the root "AIXM data coding" space, which provides an overview of the coding specifications provided for various aeronautical information products and services. Each specific product, such as the (ICAO) AIP Data Set, Digital NOTAM, etc. has its own space. Shared topics, such as the coding of geometrical and geographical data, coding of schedules, etc. are documented as child pages of this root space.

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"Common data" coding guidelines

These pages provide coding rules that are common to all products and services that use AIXM 5.x as coding format. This includes, rules for geometry, timesheets, etc.

Temporality Use Cases

This section provides coding guidelines for both regular situations (such as new feature, changed properties, withdrawn feature, etc.) and exceptional situations (such as postponed change, cancelled withdraw, etc.) All the examples are included in an AIXM Temporality reference implementation, provided in the form of a series of fictitious "Donlon" data sets.

Common interoperability guidelines

The objective of the interoperability guidelines identified here is to ensure that the end users, in particular data integrators, are able to seamlessly merge the digital data coming from different States. This section deals with guidelines that are applicable to all digital AIS data sets. An additional group of guidelines, which are specific for each category of data sets, are provided in relation with the data set concerned.

Data Set Coding Specifications

(ICAO) AIP Data Set

The "AIP data set" is defined in the ICAO Annex 15, 16th edition. The AIP Data Set covers the extent of information as provided in the AIP including the core data necessary for flight planning and en-route navigation - points, navaids, routes, airspace, airport and runway data. The PANS-AIM document contains an explicit list of the minimal subjects and properties that should be included in an AIP data set.

Proposed coding guidelines are available, based on the ICAO Annex 15 16th edition and the PANS-AIM.

(ICAO) Obstacle Data Sets

Obstacle data sets for en-route (Area 1) and airport (Area 2) were already defined by the ICAO Annex 15 and no significant changes were introduced by the revised Annex 15 and the new PANS-AIM.

Proposed coding guidelines are available, based on the ICAO Annex 15 16th edition and the PANS-AIM.

Data origination guidelines are also available through the eTOD Manual of EUROCONTROL. 

(ICAO) Instrument Flight Procedures Data Sets

The "Instrument Flight Procedure" data sets are defined in the ICAO Annex 15, 16th edition. Such data sets will contain the departure, arrival and approach procedure data for airports used for international air traffic, as published in the AIP. The PANS-AIM document contains an explicit list of the minimal subjects and properties that should be included in an IFP data sets.

Proposed coding guidelines are being developed in parallel with the finalisation of AIXM 5.2. The coding guidelines for IFP data sets will be primarily based on AIXM 5.2, with workarounds for AIXM 5.1(1). This solution was chosen because AIXM 5.1(.1) lack a number of critical elements required for the coding of procedures based on SBAS/GBAS, which are only covered in AIXM 5.2. Change proposals that are relevant for this topic are visible here: AIXM 5.2 Changes Overview

(ICAO) Airport Mapping Data Sets

Aerodrome Mapping Data (AMD) should be made available to the aeronautical information services for aerodromes deemed relevant by States where safety and/or performance-based operations suggest possible benefits. PANS-AIM (Doc 10066) further explains that the content of the aerodrome mapping data sets is defined in the industry standards of the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Document DO-272D/European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Document ED-99D — User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information.

Proposed coding guidelines are available, covering requirements, standards, use cases, implementation considerations, and encoding of AMD features in AIXM 5.1.1.

Digital NOTAM

Work in progress on version 2.0, planned for finalisation in 2022.

Sections that are considered mature for public review are already being added and will be further maintained on this site.

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