XSD mapping pattern

Codelists are given by the stereotype <<codelist>>. As it can be seen from the diagram below, for each <<codelist>> type, there also is a <<datatype>> class, which defines the nilReason attribute.


First, the <<codelist>> class is converted into a simpleType in the XSD: 

Simple type
<simpleType name="CodeAircraftEngineBaseType">
 code indicating the type of aircraft engine (for example, jet, piston, 
<restriction base="xsd:string">
<enumeration value="JET">
<appinfo><gml:description>Jet Engine</gml:description></appinfo>
<enumeration value="PISTON">
<appinfo><gml:description>Piston Engine</gml:description></appinfo>
<enumeration value="TURBOPROP">
<appinfo><gml:description>Turbo Propeller Engine</gml:description></appinfo>
<enumeration value="ALL">
<appinfo><gml:description>All aircraft engine types.</gml:description></appinfo>
<restriction base="string">
<pattern value="OTHER(\w|_){1,58})?"/>

Note that the simple data types is declared as a union between the enumerated values declared in the UML model (with the exception of the value "OTHER") and a string with the pattern "OTHER(:(\w|_){1,58})?". This enables <<codelist>> data types to include values that are not supported by the enumeration list. For example, an electric engine type could be encoded as "OTHER:ELECTRIC". 

In addition, a complex type is defined, including the declaration of the nilReason attribute: 

Complex type
<complexType name="CodeAircraftEngineType">
<extension base="aixm:CodeAircraftEngineBaseType">
<attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonEnumeration"/>

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