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This page provides the most recent updates of our awareness material in terms of leaflets, presentations, publications, etc...
- Leaflets:
- How to fill the Flight Plan Reminder , version 03/04/2023 - NEW!!!
- Logon List Reminder , version 06/04/2021
- Do Not Use Datalink Frequencies for voice , version 01/04/2022
- MUAC flyer for pilots to raise awareness for potential UM79 misunderstandings , version 22/05/2023
- Recent Presentations:
- FAA DataCOM Implementation Team (DCIT) meeting slides , DCIT85, 24/05/2023
- Lunch with datalink - Session 3 slides , 22/05/2023
- Awareness slides for UM 79 and UM148 for FC , version 09/12/2022
- What to do slides for ANSP/ATCOs and AOs/FC , version 13/02/2023
- Useful Templates:
- Template of questions for AOs / FCs to answer when reporting connectivity problems , version 13/02/2023
- Other Documents: