Data link Acronyms
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Acronym | Definition |
4DTRAD | 4- Dimensional Trajectory Datalink (datalink service) |
a/c, A/C | Aircraft |
A/G | Air/Ground |
A4E | Airlines for Europe |
AAC | Airline Administrative Communications |
AAGR | Annual Average Growth Rate |
ACARS | Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System |
ACSP | Air/Ground Communications Service Provider |
ACK | ACKnowledgment |
ACL | ATC Clearance Service |
ACTP | Actual Communications Technical Performance |
ACMP | Actual Communications Technical Performance Monitored |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Contract |
ADS | Automatic Dependant Surveillance |
AF6 | Advanced Functionality 6 Initial Trajectory Information Sharing, one of the Common Project (CP) areas of activities |
AFN | Aeronautical Facilities Notification |
AGR | Air/Ground Router |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service |
AISD | Airline Information Services Domain |
AMC | ATC Microphone Check Service |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ANS CZ | the ANSP of Czech Republic |
ANS Finland | the ANSP of Finland |
AO | Aircraft Operator |
AOC | Airline Operational Communications |
APT | Airport |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated |
ARINC (referring to a CSP) | The CSP which is now part of the Collins Aero Group |
ARINC (referring to a specification ) | Avionics specifications published/maintained by AEEE (Airline Electronics Engineering Committee) |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATCO | Air Traffic Controller |
ATFM | Air Traffic Flow Management |
ATS | Air Traffic Services |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
ATN | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network |
ATSU | Air Traffic Services Unit |
AU | Airspace User(s) |
Austro Control | the ANSP of Austria |
AVINOR | the ANSP of Norway |
AVLC | Aviation VHF Link Control |
B1/B2/B3 or ATN B1 / ATS B2 / ATS B3 | Baseline 1/2/3 (ATS services/applications packages) |
BULATSA | the ANSP of Bulgaria |
BW | Bandwidth |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis |
CEF | Connecting Europe Facility (for Transports) |
CFT | Call For Tender |
CM | Context Management |
COCR | Communications Operating Concept and Requirements |
CPDLC | Controller/Pilot Data Link Communications |
Croatia Control | the ANSP of Croatia |
CRD | Clearance Request and Deliver |
CS | Community Specification |
CSC | Common Signalling Channel |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access |
CSP | Communication Service Provider |
CTA | Controlled Time of Arrival |
CVME | Centralized VDL Management Entity |
D‐ATIS | Digital Automatic Traffic Information Service |
DCAC - Cyprus | the ANSP of Cyprus |
D-VOLMET | Digital Vol Meteo |
DFS | the ANSP of Germany |
DIGITS | Demonstration of ATM Improvements Generated by Initial Trajectory Sharing |
DL | Datalink |
DLS | Datalink Service(s) |
DLIC | Data Link Initiation Capability |
DPM /DMPF | Datalink Performance Monitoring Function (EUROCONTROL NM working activity) |
DP | Deployment Plan |
DRNP | Dynamic Required Navigation Performance |
DSG | Datalink Support Group working arrangement |
DSP | Data‐Link Service Provider |
DSNA | the ANSP of France |
DST | Datalink Support Team |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
EANS - Estonia | the ANSP of Estonia |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EBAA | European Business Airline Association |
EC | European Commission |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
EFB | Electronic Flight Bag |
EIRP / ERP | Effective Isotopically Radiated Power (ITU RR 1.161)/ Effective Radiated Power (ITU RR 1.162) |
ELSA | Enhanced Large Scale ATN (SJU Study on VDL2) |
ENAIRE | the ANSP of Spain |
ENAV | the ANSP of Italy |
ENR | En route |
EPP | Extended Projected Profile |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESRA | EUROCONTROL Statistical Reference Area |
ESSP | European Satellite Services Provider |
EU | European Union |
EUR | ICAO European Region |
F2F | Face To Face |
FAA | the ANSP of USA |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FDPS | Flight Data Processing System |
FEP | Front-End Processor |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIS | Flight Information Service |
FL | Flight level |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FSL | Frequency Support List |
GA | General Aviation |
GND | Ground |
GRAIHO | Ground Requested Air Initiated Hand Off |
GS | Ground Station |
GSIF | Ground Station Information Frame |
HCAA | the ANSP of Greece |
HCL | the ANSP of Hungary |
HO | Handover |
IAA | the ANSP of Ireland |
I4D | Initial 4 Dimensional (datalink service) |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ISAVIA | the ANSP of Ireland |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ID | Identification |
IDRP | Inter‐Domain Routing Protocol |
IER | Information Exchange and Reporting |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
IM | Interval Management |
IP | Implementation Programme |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPS | Internet Protocol Suite |
IR | Implementing Rule |
IS‐SME | Intermediate System ‐ System Management Entity |
ITP | In Trail Procedure |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
LACK | Logical Acknowledgment |
LAM | Logical Acknowledgement Message (OLDI message) |
LFV | the ANSP of Sweden |
LOF | Logon Forward (OLDI datalink message) |
LGS | the ANSP of Latvia |
LPS | the ANSP of Slovakia |
LR | Long Range |
LTE | Long Term Evolution |
LTF | Long Term Forecast |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
MATS | the ANSP of Malta |
MET | Meteorological |
METAR | Meteorological Aerodrome Report |
MF | Multi‐Frequency |
MFI | Message Function Indicator |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standard |
MASPS | Aviation System Performance Standard or specification to check |
N2 | VDLM2 retransmission timer |
NAN | Next Authority Notified (OLDI datalink message) |
NATS | the ANSP of the UK |
NAT | North Atlantic (ICAO region) |
NAV Portugal | the ANSP of Portugal |
NAVIAIR - | the ANSP of Denmark |
NM | Network Manager (EUROCONTROL Directorate) |
OCC | Operational Control Centre |
OLDI | On‐Line Data Interchange |
OOOI | Gate Out, Wheels Off, Wheels On, and Gate In (AOC message) |
Oro Navigacija | the ANSP of Lithuania |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
OST | OneSky Team, EUROCONTROL platform for working groups |
PA | Provider Abort |
PANSA | the ANSP of Poland |
PCP | Pilot Common Project, precursor to CP common project |
PER | Packed Encoding Rules |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
PIAC | Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count |
PMP | Project Management Plan |
POA | Plain Old ACARS |
QOS | Quality Of Service |
RCP | Required Communication Performance |
RF | Radio Frequency |
ROMATSA | the ANSP of Romania |
RMT | Rule Making Task |
RMU | Radio/Remote Monitoring Unit |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics |
RCTP | Required Communication Technical Performance |
RSTP | Required Surveillance Technical Performance |
SDP | SESAR Deployment Programme |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research |
SDM | SESAR Deployment Manager |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Information |
SITA | Société Internationale des Télécommunications Aéronautiques (a CSP) |
SJU | SESAR Joint Undertaking |
Skyguide | the ANSP of Switzerland |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
Slovenia Control | the ANSP of Slovenia |
SQP | Signal Quality Parameters |
STATFOR | Statistics and Forecast (EUROCONTROL service) |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate |
SWP | Sub‐Work Package |
UA | User Abort |
TAF | Terminal Aerodrome Forecast |
TBO | Trajectory Based Operations |
TMA | Terminal Manoeuvring Area |
TOC | Table Of Content or Top of Climb |
TP4 | Transport Protocol Class 4 |
TPDU | Transport Protocol Data Unit |
TRM | Terminal |
Tx / TX | Transmitter |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
VDL VHF Digital Link VDL2 / VDLM2 / VDL M2 | VDL Mode 2 |
VDL4 | VDL Mode 4 |
VGS | VDL Ground Station |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VME | VDL Management Entity |
WP | Depending on context: Work Package, Way Point or Working Paper |