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Title: Request to avionics vendors, OEMs and aircraft operators to support SMATSA ANSP - February 2024


Serbia/Montenegro SMATSA ANSP recently performed some flight trials at LYBA ATC centre in preparation for their planned operationalization of CPDLC at the end of February 2024. During the trials, LYBA ACC encountered logon issues with several aircraft. Investigations revealed configuration issues in the avionics ATN Addressing database: the LYBA Ground Facility Designator (GFD) and its associated CM TSAP ATN address were not configured on board the avionics "ATN addressing database" of those aircraft, resulting in CM logon failures.


The LYBA GFD, ATN NSAP and CM TSEL values have been confirmed with the green status in ICAO EUR Doc 028/EUR NSAP Address Registry, version 13 document published in 2023.

Support Actions

To progress the issue faced at SMATSA, we kindly request, as appropriate: -

  • ATN Avionics vendors and OEMs : to update their avionics addressing database(s) to be compliant with ICAO EUR Doc 028/EUR NSAP Address Registry, version 13; once the relevant databases are made available, we invite avionics vendors and OEMs to inform their customers as well as the DSG.
  • All Aircraft Operators : to verify the inclusion of LYBA GFD in their ATN addressing database. Would LYBA GFD not be stored in the subject database yet, - to check with their avionics vendor or OEM the capability to configure a GFD and NSAP address via the ATN avionics equipment technical menu - and/or to check the availability of updated ATN addressing databases with their avionics vendor or OEM and perform the avionics upgrade would a relevant database be available.
  • Aircraft Operators with ATN Avionics Equipment Offering Configuration Capability: to include LYBA GFD/ATN NSAP address within their avionics ATN addressing database. Operators will need to coordinate with their avionics vendors or OEMs to perform such technical configurations.